Showing 1 - 10 of 34
French Abstract: Dans les grandes sociétés, trois "parties constituantes" peuvent prétendre au pouvoir ultime : les actionnaires, les dirigeants et les salariés. La théorie de la suprématie actionnariale est devenue dominante à compter des années 1990 ; le meilleur exemple en est le...
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(VF)Comment entretenir un flux constant d’innovations? Pour répondre à cette question, cet article étudie les liens entre les différentes innovations de la firme, en particulier technologique et organisationnelle. Cinq études de cas sont choisies pour leur caractère emblématique de neuf...
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This contribution to the study of the factors’ allocation modes of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by firms of emerging economies gets over the dual approach concentrated on the lack of uses of equipment and on their consequences. Authors focus on the dynamics of use, as...
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Cet article est une revue de la littérature où le temps passé dans un état est une variable aléatoire issue d’un mélange continu de distributions. Elle s’est constituée à partir de l’estimation de fonctions de hasards et de méthodes d’approximations d’intégrales. Nous...
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Criteria for initiation of highly active antiretroviral treatments (HAART) in HIV-infected patients remain a matter of debate world-wide because short-term benefits have to be balanced with costs of these therapies, and restrictions placed on future treatment options if resistant viral strains...
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This paper studies the effect of combining different insurance schemes on the efficiency of consumption smoothing in an environment without commitment. A savings account is introduced into the self-enforcing risk-sharing model of Thomas and Worrall (1988). The risk averse agent's savings play...
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Criteria for initiation of highly active antiretroviral treatments (HAART) in HIV-infected patients remain a matter of debate world-wide because short-term benefits have to be balanced with costs of these therapies, and restrictions placed on future treatment options if resistant viral strains...
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We offer a new proof of the maximum principle for optimal control problems with fixed endpoint. We allow for inequality constraints involving state variables and control variables. Our proof relies on an application of the envelope theorem. Nous donnons une preuve nouvelle du principe de maximum...
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Using the works of Steven Lukes, John Kenneth Galbraith and Kenneth Boulding, this paper gives a typology of power relationships in economics, a concept that has been “forgotten” by the mainstream. Secondly, this typology is used to evaluate and show the real aim of neo-liberal policies...
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