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The objective of this paper is to provide a complete framework to aggregate different quantile and expectile models for obtaining more diversified Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall measures, by applying the diversification principle to model risk. Following Taylor (2008) and Gouriéroux and...
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Due to non-linear transaction costs, the fi nancial performance of a trading strategy decreaseswith portfolio size. Using a dynamic trading model a la Garleanu and Pedersen (2013), wederive closed-form formulas for the performance-to-scale frontier reached by competitive tradersendowed with a...
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This paper investigates value and growth investing in a large administrative panel of Swedish residents. We show that over the life-cycle, households progressively shift from growth to value as they become older and their balance sheets improve. Furthermore, investors with high human capital and...
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Using historical price records for Bordeaux Premiers Crus, we examine the impact of aging on wine prices and the long …
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French abstract: Dans le présent papier, nous essayons d’étudier les actions de la bourse régionale de valeur mobilière (BRVM) tout en mettant en relief le modèle de Fama-French et les dérivés du modèle d’évaluation des actifs financiers (MEDAF). Les résultats montrent que le...
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French Abstract: Après avoir présenté les grands indicateurs environnementaux existants et leurs limites, nous proposons une définition des caractéristiques d'un indicateur pertinent et efficace dans une approche holistique : embrassant l'ensemble des enjeux environnementaux, analysant le...
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Les réserves de change se sont accrues de façon spectaculaire, principalement dans les pays asiatiques. Les modalités de gestion de ces réserves par les banques centrales pourraient avoir un impact sur les marchés financiers.
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Developing a model with a switching mechanism, we show how complex dynamics can be generated even though heterogeneity arises among agents with the same trading rules (fundamentalists). We assume that there are two experts which are imitated by other operators. We show that (i) market...
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This paper make an overview of the copula theory from a practical side. We consider different methods of copula estimation and different Goodness-of-Fit tests for model selection. In the GoF section we apply Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von-Mises type tests and calculate power of these tests...
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