Showing 1 - 10 of 68
French Abstract: Après avoir présenté les grands indicateurs environnementaux existants et leurs limites, nous proposons une définition des caractéristiques d'un indicateur pertinent et efficace dans une approche holistique : embrassant l'ensemble des enjeux environnementaux, analysant le...
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In this paper, we show how to calibrate the most usual stochastic processes: arithmetic and geometric Brownian motions,, mean-reverting processes and jump processes. This paper contains also many applications to Canadian financial data. We observe, among other phenomena, that a mean-reverting...
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The aim of this paper is to build and estimate a macroeconomic model of credit risk for the French manufacturing sector. This model is based on Wilson's CreditPortfolioView model (1997a, 1997b); it enables us to simulate loss distributions for a credit portfolio for several macroeconomic...
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L'étude du modèle à trois facteurs en présence des comoments d'ordres trois et quatre dans le cadre du marché français fait l'objet de cet article. Le pouvoir explicatif des portefeuilles de marché, HML et SMB est testé en présence des portefeuilles de co-skewness et de co-kurtosis. À...
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Cet article se propose d’étudier l’influence de l’âge sur la composition des patrimoines, notamment sur la détention d’actifs risqués. En effet, une hypothèse souvent avancée est que, plus l’horizon de vie se raccourcit, plus la détention d’actifs risqués devrait se réduire....
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The objective of this paper is to provide a complete framework to aggregate different quantile and expectile models for obtaining more diversified Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall measures, by applying the diversification principle to model risk. Following Taylor (2008) and Gouriéroux and...
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The transformations of the finance sector linked to the emergence of new actors (pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds…) and its globalization have changed the rules of corporate governance and the competitive context of industrial companies. The theme of the influence between finance and...
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In a Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) framework, a constant risk exposure is defined by the multiple of the strategy. This article proposes an alternative conditional multiple estimation model, which is based on an autoregressive quantile regression dynamic approach. We estimate...
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We study the problem of a leveraged investor that is forced to unwind a significant fraction of its portfolio in a collection of illiquid markets. It is shown that markets may become disrupted in response to a relatively small liquidity shock. As a consequence, the probability of default can be...
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