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We compare the optimal trading strategy of an informed speculator when he can trade ahead of incoming news (is "fast"), versus when he cannot (is "slow"). We find that speed matters: the fast speculator's trades account for a larger fraction of trading volume, and are more correlated with...
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French Abstract: Quelles sont les conséquences en matière de bien-être d'une meilleure diffusion de l'information financière parmi les spéculateurs? Pour traiter cette question, nous considérons un marché où des agents non informés échangent pour un motif de partage de risque avec des...
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We study information revelation in markets with pairwise meetings. We focus on the one sided case and perform a dynamic analysis of a constant entry flow model. The same question has been studied in an identical framework in Serrano and Yosha (1993) but they limit their analysis to the...
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One apparent reason for deferring a decision – abstaining from choosing, leaving the decision open to be taken by someone else, one’s later self, or nature – is for lack of sufficient confidence in the relevant beliefs. This paper develops an axiomatic theory of decision in situations...
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We analyze the contract-based relationship between a local community and a private operator in charge of a water utility. An important feature of the regulation model is the existence of water network losses that may reduce the operator's cost. We derive solutions to the optimal contract both...
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In the development of the general equilibrium theories, Hicks and Allais played an essential role. We are studying here the contributions which were theirs respectively in Value and Capital (1939) and in the Traité d’économie pure (1943). The accent is put on three points: the theory of...
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Le recrutement des jeunes enseignants chercheurs en France se fait de manière centralisée Le ministère calcule les affectations en fonction des listes de classements soumis par les comités de sélection et des listes de vœux soumis par les candidats. Les enjeux stratégiques du recrutement...
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We consider a dynamic version of sender-receiver games, where the sequence of states follows an irreducible Markov chain observed by the sender. Under mild assumptions, we provide a simple characterization of the limit set of equilibrium payoffs, as players become very patient. Under these...
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It is becoming increasingly easier for researchers and practitioners to collect eye tracking data during online preference measurement tasks. We develop a dynamic discrete choice model of information search and choice under bounded rationality, that we calibrate using a combination of...
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