Showing 1 - 10 of 130
Over the last 12 months, the supervision of liquidity has become one of the most discussed issues by the central banks and the financial market authorities. The objective of this paper is to describe the off-site liquidity monitoring framework recently implemented as one of the supervisory tools...
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In this paper, we review the macroeconomic literature on financial frictions and banking in a dynamic general equilibrium framework. Our work focuses first on the pioneer articles that have analyzed the amplification effects associated to the financial accelerator. We then shift our attention...
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In this study, we benchmarked the crisis resolution frameworks of the Member States of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) with the Financial Stability Board's Key Attributes (KAs) of effective resolution regime for financial institutions, using survey-based methodology. Questionnaires,...
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This paper studies liability management exercises (LME) by banks, which have comparable regulatory capital effects than contingent capital triggers. LMEs are concentrated on low capitalization situations, both in the cross-section and in the time series and are frequently associated with equity...
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In this study, we benchmarked the crisis resolution frameworks of the Member States of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) with the Financial Stability Board's Key Attributes (KAs) of effective resolution regime for financial institutions, using survey-based methodology. Questionnaires,...
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The financial crisis started in the United States in 2007 on the subprime mortgage market and, then, gradually spread to all financial markets and strongly impacted growth in the main advanced countries through the years 2008 and 2009. Given its scope and its subsequent uncertainty, we discuss...
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Comme l’a montré la crise actuelle, les marchés immobiliers sont à l’origine de chocs macroéconomiques importants, ce qui justifie un suivi régulier du double point de vue de la politique monétaire et de la stabilité financière.
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Une conférence organisée conjointement par la Banque de France, PSE-École d’Économie de Paris et le CEPII, les 25 et 26 mai 2011, a souligné les incertitudes entourant le rebond des échanges commerciaux après la chute observée fin 2008-début 2009.
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S’il est encore trop tôt pour établir un bilan définitif des effets de la crise sur les entreprises, ceux-ci semblent avoir été plutôt bien maîtrisés grâce aux actions conjointes des différents agents économiques (entreprises, banques, autorités monétaires et pouvoirs publics).
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« Qui va le plus souffrir de l’implosion de Wall Street en 2008 et 2009 et de la récession mondiale qu’elle a entraîné ? Ce ne sont ni les banquiers ni les financiers à l’origine du désastre… Les salariés des pays développés sont les grands perdants de cette catastrophe...
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