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L’annulation de la dette des pays pauvres a permis de restaurer leur situation financière. Certaines politiques de ré-endettement en cours, à l’égard notamment de prêteurs émergents, présentent toutefois des risques pour ces économies.
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, we show that development policies implemented since the beginning of the international debt crisis of 1982 led to a …
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, we show that development policies implemented since the beginning of the international debt crisis of 1982 led to a …
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creditors, by theinternational financial institutions. Thus, the IMF and the World Bank conditioned anyreorganization of debt to … quepolitiques. The debt crisis which began in 1982 is the consequence of a certain laxism on behalf ofthe creditors as for the … domination which theirforeign debt constitutes. Such a cancellation finds justifications as well economic aspolitical. (Full text …
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In a fixed exchange-rate regime, monetary policy is not devoted to internal equilibrium, such that the Taylor principle is no more the condition to insure the determinacy of the dynamic. Monetary policy is in charge of stabilizing the fixed-exchange rate regime in the long run, i.e. to avoid an...
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Les déséquilibres mondiaux sont au coeur des préoccupations de la présidence française du G20 et ont été l’objet du VIe colloque international de la Banque de France qui a rassemblé un panel exceptionnel d’intervenants. William R. White (OCDE) en a fait la synthèse.
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similarities in the evolution of the two countries before and during the crisis (a drop in exports in fall 2008, IMF intervention …
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En dépit des allègements de dette dans le cadre de l’initiative PPTE, les pays africains restent vulnérables au risque de surendettement. Le « cadre de viabilité de la dette » reste donc un instrument indispensable, dont la gestion flexible doit permettre de mieux prendre en compte...
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[whose shares and bonds they own] re some of their current lending and underwriting practicesMore generally, influential …
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