Showing 1 - 10 of 34
Nudge is a semantically multifarious concept that originates in Thaler and Sunstein's (2008) popular eponymous book. In one of its senses, it is a policy for redirecting an agent's choices by only slightly altering his choice conditions, in another sense, it is concerned with bounded rationality...
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We study how managers respond to hurricane events when their firms are located in the neighborhood of the disaster area. We find that the sudden shock to the perceived liquidity risk leads managers to increase corporate cash holdings and to express more concerns about hurricane risk in...
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An ambiguous statistical experiment is a set of joint probability distributions over states and signals. This note compares ambiguous experiments from the point of view of an ambiguity averse decision maker and extends the Blackwell (1951, 1953) ordering to this setting
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French Abstract: Nous introduisons un modèle stratégique de négociations à deux joueurs avec des preferences dans le risque de type utilité non-espérée. Nous définissons la notion de prime de risque de désaccord, un analogue séquentiel du concept d'audace, afin de prendre en compte le...
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We compare the experimental results of three stag-hunt games. In contrast to Battalio et al.(2001), our design keeps the relative riskiness of the two strategies at a constant level as the optimisation premium is increased. Furthermore, we also test the effect of a decrease of the relative...
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This paper is an attempt to analyze regulation in LDCs taking into account their specificities compared to developed countries. By using a regulation model with an imperfect contract enforcement mechanism, we show how the separation of powers improves the enforcement quality and social welfare...
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Several online market sites, such as eBay, have implemented reputation management mechanisms in order to improve cooperation. In this article, we aim at investigating the emergence of trust and cooperation in presence of reputation mechanism. In a series of experiments based on the trust game...
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Fudenberg et Kreps (1993), Young (1993), et Sela et Herreiner (1999) ont souligné l'insuffisance du critère de convergence en croyances du processus de Fictitious Play dans un cadre d'apprentissage des équilibres de Nash. En conséquence, nous choisissons d'étudier la convergence en...
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Dans une course à l'innovation, les possibilités de rattrapage d'une entreprise distancée sont-elles aiguisées ou au contraire exclues par la présence d'externalités de R&D ? Pudenberg, Gilbert, Stiglitz et Tirole montrent dans une course au brevet avec observation imparfaite de...
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Un groupe d'agents décide de mettre à sa disposition un site collectif polluant. Pour ce faire, ils font appel à une entreprise chargée de la localisation et de la construction de l'installation. Celle-ci leur propose une procédure de localisation/tarification soumise à l'approbation de...
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