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volatility in more credit constrained firms. …
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cyclical volatility of unemployment and vacancies. The increased search of employed workers during expansions has two effects … on the unemployed: it induces firms to openmore vacancies, but employedworkers also crowd out unemployed workers in the … job search. The overall effect of OTJS on unemployment volatility is thus ambiguous. We showanalytically and numerically …
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The economic situation of all the major developed countries has changed significantly during the 2007-2010 period. Yet many economic policies have been kept in place. This is true in particular of a key measure in French government policy: tax reductions on overtime hours and their exemption...
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L'absence de persistance dans la réponse de l'activité à un choc d'offre de monnaie constitue une propriété contrefactuelle récurrente des modèles d'équilibre général intertemporels stochastiques. On est alors tenté de combiner des imperfection fiancières et des rigidités de prix...
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The recent empirical literature that uses Structural Vector Autoregressions (SVAR) has shown that productivity shocks identified using long--run restrictions lead to a persistent and significant decline in hours worked. This evidence calls into question standard RBC models in which a positive...
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Until the current economic crisis, the recovery capacity of the American and French labour markets had often been compared. The United States had been considered more "resilient", namely more affected by cyclical shocks in the short term but more quickly coming back to their initial path in the...
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This article aims at estimating leading indicators of the American economy with financial variables. We use two types of hidden Markov chains models, a quantitative one (Krolzig (1997)) and a qualitative one (Gregoir and Lenglart (2000)). These models provide a robust and reliable framework to...
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French abstract: L'article analyse la délimitation du temps de travail par rapport au temps de repos du point de vue des dispositions de la Charte sociale européenne adoptée à Turin en 1961 et des solutions prononcées par le Comité européen des Droits sociaux. En même temps, la force...
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Le niveau de vie moyen des Tunisiens a augmenté de façon continue depuis plusieurs décennies tandis que la pauvreté et les inégalités ont largement diminué grâce à la mise en oeuvre de nombreux programmes sociaux. L’accès aux infrastructures de base telles que l’eau potable ou...
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The persistence of high rates of unemployment calls for a discussion of the tax treatment of production factors. In France as in many other countries, material productive resources are subject to a legally recoverable tax, VAT, whereas unrecoverable obligatory social levies strike human...
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