Showing 1 - 10 of 78
French Abstract: Ce document de travail présente les méthodes d'estimation des paramètres d'un modèle de régression lorsque les variables sont observées sous un format intervalle. Il illustre cette procédure d'estimation sur les données de consommation d'électricité en France, afin...
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The Maschler Perles Solution is the unique bargaining solution which is superadditive and satisfies the usual covariance properties. We provide two proofs for supperadditivity that do not rely on the standard traveling time.
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La réduction de la croissance économique pendant ces dernières années a provoqué un renouveau d'intérêt en ce qui concerne le poids de la présence de l'État, surtout dans les économie européennes. Il ne suffit pas d'insister sur le poids excessive de l'Etat. Il faut le prouver et dire...
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This study has two main contributions summarized as follows: 1. Impact of ICT on the capacities of innovation: The most intensive firms in ICT are also those that tend more frequently to innovate and to combine several innovations types - i.e. they are also “intensive innovator”. However,...
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This manual provides a comprehensive overview of Vector Autoregression (VAR) models using EViews. It covers key concepts, practical applications, and step-by-step guidance on implementing VAR modeling. The aim is to equip researchers and practitioners with the tools necessary to analyze time...
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This paper investigates the estimation of productivity and preference shocks using a DSGE model. In the absence of government and international trade, this simplified framework provides a clear view of the internal dynamics of a closed economy. We analyze the impact of these shocks on...
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Gender differences are often observed in real life-situations. We implement an experiment on the investment game which explores the influence of knowledge of partner's gender in trust and reciprocity by means of two treatments of information: the first one, without knowledge of partner's gender...
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The present paper puts forward a new economic circuit of value, which is a product of Marx’s “period of production” and Keynes’s determination order between investment and savings. It leads to a new definition of profit which excludes any remaining competition between savings and...
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This paper aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the evolution of financial systems in emerging countries and / or development. This comparative analysis is performed through the use of various techniques namely the principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering on a sample of 52...
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The past three decades, developing countries have not spared of all international financial changes. They almost followed the same historical trends. Today, the destabilizing effects of financial liberalization affect even developed economies. The finding is iconic and risk economic policy. This...
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