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La crise économique et financière a servi de catalyseur à une crise budgétaire qui submerge de nombreux pays de l’OCDE. Assainir les finances publiques pour faire face aux conséquences de la crise, aux faiblesses sous-jacentes ainsi qu’aux pressions futures sur les dépenses publiques...
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France has a track record of persistent general government deficits, partly reflecting pro-cyclical fiscal policies in upswings. This has resulted in a quadrupling of its public debt-to-GDP ratio since the 1970s to above 80% of GDP. Reducing public debt is crucial because a high level of public...
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L’article utilise un modèle à générations imbriquées pour analyser les effets d’une relance budgétaire mise en oeuvre dans une union monétaire par un gouvernement qui doit tenir compte de la nécessité de réduire ses dépenses publiques dans le futur conformément à une règle de...
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This article deals with the sustainability of public debt within the Post-Keynesian framework proposed by Pasinetti in order to determine the stability conditions of the public debt/GDP ratio. This alternative and simple technique is used to assess the impact of austerity policies in some...
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This note, intended for cross-border and national investors like banks, companies, financial markets, large national and international institutions aims to answer the multiple questions on the decision-making to intervene or not in this country with lower middle income (PRITI). To paraphrase...
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CEMAC countries, with an aim of coordinating their budget policies, established within their union some rules of economic policy which seem to be restrictive for an effective budget policy and thus sustainable in the long run. Indeed, in the economic theory, several arguments were advanced to...
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In this paper, we test sustainability of Cameroon’s fiscal policy using the approach developed by Bohn (1998). We apply non parametric and semi-parametric regressions with time depending coefficients to estimate fiscal policy reaction function in Cameroon between 1975 and 2005. We find out...
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