Showing 1 - 10 of 92
This paper studies the effect of combining different insurance schemes on the efficiency of consumption smoothing in an environment without commitment. A savings account is introduced into the self-enforcing risk-sharing model of Thomas and Worrall (1988). The risk averse agent's savings play...
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Les comportements d’épargne et d’allocation d’actifs des ménages sont des éléments clés pour le financement de l’économie. La récente crise financière et plus structurellement le vieillissement des populations conduisent les banques centrales, le régulateur et les acteurs des...
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À la lumière des informations issues des enquêtes Patrimoine 2004 et 2010 de l’INSEE et des évaluations des comptes nationaux financiers établis par la Banque de France, l’article propose une première analyse des ajustements patrimoniaux des ménages français depuis 2007.
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À la fin 2010, les résidents français détenaient 5 440 milliards d’euros de titres, soit un encours en légère baisse depuis la fin 2007. De 2007 à 2010, les ménages ont été globalement vendeurs de titres, tandis que les sociétés d’assurance achetaient principalement des valeurs...
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The aim of this paper is to build and estimate a macroeconomic model of credit risk for the French manufacturing sector. This model is based on Wilson's CreditPortfolioView model (1997a, 1997b); it enables us to simulate loss distributions for a credit portfolio for several macroeconomic...
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In the past twenty years, household wealth undergoes profound changes and in particular a notable increase of the share of financial wealth. The hike of stock market prices in the late 1990s, the burst of the speculative bubble since the summer of 2000 and the continued upsurge of housing prices...
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Developing a model with a switching mechanism, we show how complex dynamics can be generated even though heterogeneity arises among agents with the same trading rules (fundamentalists). We assume that there are two experts which are imitated by other operators. We show that (i) market...
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English Abstract: In balancing international financial data (Lane and Milesi-Ferretti, 2006), contrary to most matrix adjustment problems, the only constraints are that, for any given category of assets and liabilities, the sum of assets over countries must equal the sum of liabilities....
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Presentation of the PLS regression
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