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The 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström for their work on contract theory. Contract theory is a subfield of game theory where the conflict between the owner - the principal - and the CEO - or agent - is at the centre of interest. In the...
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The 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström for their work on contract theory. Contract theory is a subfield of game theory where the conflict between the owner - the principal - and the CEO - or agent - is at the centre of interest. In the...
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Over the past two decades, an enormous amount of work has been done to improve the Expected Utility model. Two areas have attracted major attention: the possibility of describing unforeseen contingencies and the need to accomodate the kind of behavior ref
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The most fundamental form of systemic risk in modern financial networks is contagion. In this article we describe a homogeneous banking system (banks with identical preferences and the same size of total assets) with interconnectedness: banks own shares in each others' assets. Using these...
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Game theory is the pocket knife of conflict modelling: it has tools, models for practically all strategic conflicts, be that two- or multiplayer, complete or incomplete information and so on. In this study we have collected relevant tools for young lawyers. Since this is an introductory text we...
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The most fundamental form of systemic risk in modern financial networks is contagion. In this article we describe a homogeneous banking system (banks with identical preferences and the same size of total assets) with interconnectedness: banks own shares in each others' assets. Using these...
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Game theory is the pocket knife of conflict modelling: it has tools, models for practically all strategic conflicts, be that two- or multiplayer, complete or incomplete information and so on. In this study we have collected relevant tools for young lawyers. Since this is an introductory text we...
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Hungarian Abstract: Napjainkban egy egyetem jelenléte számos dimenzió mentén hozzáadott értéket teremt abban a térségben, ahol működik, és egyre inkább előtérbe kerül az a felismerés, hogy helyi gazdaságfejlesztésre gyakorolt hatása számottevő. Ez a jelenség egyre nagyobb...
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Hungarian Abstract: A világunkban jelenleg globális szintű átalakulási folyamat zajlik. Digitális technológiák formálják nemcsak a legkülönfélébb iparágakat, hanem az emberi lét szinte minden aspektusát. A digitális eszközök és megoldások olyan területekre is...
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English Abstract: Nowadays the role of knowledge is revalued, innovations are created even more swiftly, and we live in … the era of knowledge-based economy and society. The universities play a notable role in this process as they achieve …
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