Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Boltszintû árstatisztikai felírások alapján a tanulmány a magyarországi inflációs folyamatok és árazási magatartás jellemzõinek regionális hasonlóságait és eltéréseit vizsgálja. Fõ tanulsága, hogy a hivatalos NUTS-II régiók nem képeznek önálló gazdasági egységeket,...
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This paper evaluates the forecasting performance of a continuous stochastic volatility model with two factors of volatility (SV2F) and compares it to those of GARCH and ARFIMA models. The empirical results show that the volatility forecasting ability of the SV2F model is better than that of the...
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The paper uses data from a large representative survey of Hungarian higher education graduates (DPR 2010) to study the early labour market effects of field of study and college quality. Propensity score matching average treatment effect method is used to reveal the effect of the field of study,...
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The paper uses data from a large representative survey of Hungarian higher education graduates (DPR 2010) to study the early labour market effects of field of study and college quality. Propensity score matching average treatment effect method is used to reveal the effect of the field of study,...
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A new family of kernels is suggested for use in heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) and long run variance (LRV) estimation and robust regression testing. The kernels are constructed by taking powers of the Bartlett kernel and are intended to be used with no truncation (or...
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This paper applies revealed preference theory to the nonparametric statistical analysis of consumer demand. Knowledge of expansion paths is shown to improve the power of nonparametric tests of revealed preference. The tightest bounds on indifference surfaces and welfare measures are derived...
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This paper was commissioned by DG ECFIN from the EU Commission as part of the "EMU@10" project and is published in Hungarian language by the permission of the EU Commission. The original English language version of the paper is available at:...
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Az új EU tagállamok gazdasági folyamatainak szembeötlõ jellegzetessége az egy fõre jutó GDP-ben mutatkozó felzárkózásuk, illetve az ezzel kapcsolatos árszínvonalbeli konvergencia. Amennyiben ez a jövõben is folytatódni fog, akkor az inflációra és árfolyamra vonatkozó...
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Nicolas Baudeau (1730-1792) was a theologian, historian and "economist-philosopher" of the second half of the eighteenth century. His name appears in manuals as a popularizer of the ideas of Quesnay and as the founder of the first journal of economics of the Physiocrats, but we are not familiar...
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This paper was commissioned by DG ECFIN from the EU Commission as part of the "EMU@10" project and is published in Hungarian language by the permission of the EU Commission. The original English language version of the paper is available at:...
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