Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Hungarian Abstract: Jelen tanulmány célja az – elsősorban építőipar területén – fellelhető regionális hálózati együttműködések feltérképezése, különös tekintettel az Észak-Alföldi Régióra. A tanulmány három fő részből áll: az építőiparra vonatkozó...
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In some cases spot markets failure to govern to whole or a part of the marketing channel effectively and contractual relations are gaining more importance. It is especially true in case of agricultural markets, since these markets became more differentiated and market players are vulnerable in...
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If Janossy's theory should concisely be drafted, one might say that he had been researching the "real carrier of economic development" in a very original way and having formulated his theory in a specific language. He managed to identify the "carrier" of development focusing on the systematic...
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