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Over the past two decades, an enormous amount of work has been done to improve the Expected Utility model. Two areas have attracted major attention: the possibility of describing unforeseen contingencies and the need to accomodate the kind of behavior ref
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In this study, we use two representative surveysto investigate how competition and cooperation relate on the individual level and whether (and how) they associate with educational attainment. Our first result is that the correlation between competition and cooperation is positive and...
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In our study, we present the concept of locus of control, a non-cognitive ability that is increasingly researched in economics. We then review the economic literature on locus of control and show that people who believe they are in control of their lives are more successful in many areas of...
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A tanulmány hozzájárulás kíván lenni a Scitovsky által bevezetett, címben jelzett fogalmak tartalmi tisztázásához, értelmezéséhez. Arra vállalkozom, hogy körüljárjam: pontosan mit is kell (vagy inkább célszerû) érteni árelfogadó/ármeghatározó szereplõk alatt,...
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In our study, we present the concept of locus of control, a non-cognitive ability that is increasingly researched in economics. We then review the economic literature on locus of control and show that people who believe they are in control of their lives are more successful in many areas of...
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In this study, we use two representative surveysto investigate how competition and cooperation relate on the individual level and whether (and how) they associate with educational attainment. Our first result is that the correlation between competition and cooperation is positive and...
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A gazdasági szereplõk nem-racionális magatartására vonatkozó gazdasági viselkedéstani kutatási eredmények értelmezése és a megfelelõ következtetések megfogalmazása kellõ körültekintést igényel: a neoklasszikus elmélet életszerûtlen emberképének meghaladása nem...
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We apply the set up of limited commitment model to empirically test the role of informal risk-sharing networks using panel data on informal credit transactions from rural Ethiopia. The empirical estimates provide convincing evidence for the belief that enforcement problem limits the direct role...
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Privatization in Estonia has produced varied ownership configurations. This enables hypotheses on the productivity effects of different ownership forms to be tested. Findings are based on fixed effects production function models and are estimated using a large, random sample of firms. Depending...
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Sorting into public sector jobs may be motivated not only by the available income but also by other aspects, such as stronger demand for security or for social usefulness. The demand for larger job security - beside other factors - can be the consequence of family circumstances. We have...
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