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Given that young children are under the control of their parents, if the government has a interest in either the welfare or the productivity of the former, it has no option but to act through the latter,. Parents are, in the ordynary sense....
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Hungarian Abstract: Jelen tanulmány célja az – elsősorban építőipar területén – fellelhető regionális hálózati együttműködések feltérképezése, különös tekintettel az Észak-Alföldi Régióra. A tanulmány három fő részből áll: az építőiparra vonatkozó...
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In some cases spot markets failure to govern to whole or a part of the marketing channel effectively and contractual relations are gaining more importance. It is especially true in case of agricultural markets, since these markets became more differentiated and market players are vulnerable in...
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The complementarities of trade advantage and trade competitiveness measures for Hungarian agro-food trade with the European Union are analyzed. The stability and duration of the trade measures over time is investigated by the survival analysis using the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier product limit...
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Based on the microbased panel datasets of the Labour Force Survey between 1998 and 2010 and the administrative Pension Fund data between 2000 and 2006 we analyse the number, composition and subsequent labour market behaviour of former public sector employees in Hungary. We show that the greater...
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The paper investigates teachers' decisions to leave the profession. First we examine the role of earnings and earnings in alternative occupations in these decisions, and then the paper discusses how the public sector wage increase in 2002 has effected exiting decisions of teachers. Using large...
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Non-cognitive skills are important predictors of success on the labour market and in many areas of economic and social life. This paper explores the current literature on the economics of non-cognitive skill formation and the most important explanatory factors behind the recent boost of the...
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Statistical data display a high level of sectorial and geographical concentration in the exports of three Central European new member states of the European Union: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. All the three export huge quantities of the products of certain sectors of engineering...
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Institutions of the liberal democracies of the developed Western world are increasingly insufficient to deal with the ever worsening of social problems associated with technological progress, the rapid economic transformation of the economy, the demographic issues and the acceleration of...
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In this paper, we investigate how much of the wage differences between workers and districts is explained by employee and employer characteristics and by differences in regional characteristics. For this purpose, we use the Ministry of Finance's annual wage survey, which provides detailed data...
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