Showing 1 - 10 of 12
This survey reviews the economic thoughts about what and why do institutional market players lose because of the existing market frictions and particular financial market microstructures compared to walrasian markets. Within a unified microeconomic framework, we introduce the most common...
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This survey reviews the economic thoughts about what and why do institutional market players lose because of the existing market frictions and particular financial market microstructures compared to walrasian markets. Within a unified microeconomic framework, we introduce the most common...
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Hungarian Abstract: A tőzsdén kereskedett alapok gyors elterjedése és dinamikus növekedése felveti a kérdést, mi áll az egyes kibocsátások sikerének hátterében. A termék speciális szerkezetéből fakadó nyilvánvaló előnyöket megkerülve, ebben a cikkben azt vizsgáltam,...
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Hungarian Abstract: A tanulmány két magyar vállalat pénzügyi mutatószámokkal történt elemzését mutatja be, 1997 és 2002 közti éves beszámolókból nyert adatok alapján. A pénzügyi elemzés elméletének ismertetését a mérlegből, eredménykimutatásból és a cash flow...
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Market makers on financial markets often act as competitiors and step into cooperations with each other at the same time. Primarily, they quote prices for investors, thus providing liquidity on the customer market. But they also trade with each other in order to reduce their inventory risk. The...
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Market makers on financial markets often act as competitiors and step into cooperations with each other at the same time. Primarily, they quote prices for investors, thus providing liquidity on the customer market. But they also trade with each other in order to reduce their inventory risk. The...
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This paper investigates the influence of institutional quality on crypto adoption in the country with regard to the level of financial literacy of country's population. The results show that in countries with lower financial literacy, institutions have a greater influence on cryptocurrency...
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The paper provides evidence on what affects at the margin the cost and availability of bank credit for firms in Argentina. We study in particular how banks use different pieces of private and public information to screen firms and overcome informational asymmetries in the credit market. Some...
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Venture capital and private equity financing has become an important mechanism for the development and radical transformation of companies worldwide in recent decades. Nevertheless, the venture capital and private equity sector covers only a relatively small proportion of economic activity...
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The study provides a brief summary of the theoretical and empirical considerations related to the possible determinants of firm growth. With a special focus on small and medium-sized firms, we investigate the role of the availability of internal and external finance. After examining the key...
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