Showing 1 - 10 of 298
In April 2013, the Assembly of the Budapest Municipality radically transformed the taxi market in Budapest. This case study analyses the events that led to this decision and also the measure's immediate impact. The study is part of the research project, titled "The Unexpected Consequences and...
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In April 2013, the Assembly of the Budapest Municipality radically transformed the taxi market in Budapest. This case study analyses the events that led to this decision and also the measure's immediate impact. The study is part of the research project, titled "The Unexpected Consequences and...
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The model that we develop here considers that an upstream firm sells a vital input to downstream firms. There are vertical spillovers and two different regulatory policies of the input price: cost oriented regulation and no-regulation. We also admit two alternative market structures: vertical...
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En este trabajo, analizamos la evolución de las reformas en telecomunicaciones en Argentina desde el inicio de la privatización, con especial énfasis en la última etapa anterior a la apertura administrada de 1999. Los elementos más destacables de estas reformas en un contexto de...
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The financing of innovation impacts on economic growth. What’s, among bank-based or market-based system, the best organizational form? The paper supports the view that both forms have to be merged into a unique approach (law and finance view) embracing not only the overall quality of the...
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Venture capital and private equity financing has become an important mechanism for the development and radical transformation of companies worldwide in recent decades. Nevertheless, the venture capital and private equity sector covers only a relatively small proportion of economic activity...
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Hungarian Abstract: A világunkban jelenleg globális szintű átalakulási folyamat zajlik. Digitális technológiák formálják nemcsak a legkülönfélébb iparágakat, hanem az emberi lét szinte minden aspektusát. A digitális eszközök és megoldások olyan területekre is...
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Hungarian Abstract: Napjainkban egy egyetem jelenléte számos dimenzió mentén hozzáadott értéket teremt abban a térségben, ahol működik, és egyre inkább előtérbe kerül az a felismerés, hogy helyi gazdaságfejlesztésre gyakorolt hatása számottevő. Ez a jelenség egyre nagyobb...
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