Showing 1 - 10 of 93
Focusing more on the evolution of the Romanian external trade and FDI inflows after 2007 - the year of Romania's EU integration - the paper provides insights in the trade and FDI inflows determinants in the context of the convergence process and also in relation to the financial global crisis....
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Based on the microbased panel datasets of the Labour Force Survey between 1998 and 2010 and the administrative Pension …
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It is our natural inclination to find stable patterns and meaning in the chaotic world around us. This assists in our efforts to understand the past and forecast the future. The starting point of this essay is the phrase "dismal science" which is an often used 'epitheton ornans' of economics....
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It is our natural inclination to find stable patterns and meaning in the chaotic world around us. This assists in our efforts to understand the past and forecast the future. The starting point of this essay is the phrase "dismal science" which is an often used 'epitheton ornans' of economics....
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Hungarian abstract: Románia Székelyföld térségében számos turkálót találunk: a térsség városait a köznyelv turkálóváros jelzővel illeti. A turkálók elterjedése természetesen összefügg a térség romániai viszonylatban alacsonyabb életszínvonalával, de azt...
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This paper examines the major economic and institutional factors underlying the surge in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Mexico during the 1990s. It presents evidence that indicates that market-friendly economic reforms and major changes in the institutional-legal status of foreign...
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Hungarian Abstract: A 2008-as évhez kötődő pénzügyi és gazdasági válság számos szabályozási kérdést vetett fel világszerte. Természetes reakcióként a jogalkotók a pénzügyi piacok egyes intézményeire, illetve azok egyes szereplőire vonatkozó szabályok gyors...
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