Showing 1 - 10 of 16
When assessing the likely net impact of regulation, many jurisdictions test for specific effects on areas of concern, such as small businesses or the environment, as well as for more generalised costs and benefits. This paper considers how best to design a negative-clearance test for the...
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This case study is a part of the research project "The Unexpected consequences and impacts of the regulation of markets" which is financed by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. It deals with the conditions and impacts of the implementation of the Law CXXIV (2012) which radically changed the...
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This case study is a part of the research project "The Unexpected consequences and impacts of the regulation of markets" which is financed by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. It deals with the conditions and impacts of the implementation of the Law CXXIV (2012) which radically changed the...
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Hungarian Abstract: Az online kereskedelem napjainkra egyre inkább elterjedtté vált. Az elektronikus áruházak számára egyre több adat válik hozzáférhetővé a felhasználóiról, amit azok fel is használnak a kereskedelmi gyakorlatban számos céllal: személyre szabott ajánlatok...
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Game theory is the pocket knife of conflict modelling: it has tools, models for practically all strategic conflicts, be that two- or multiplayer, complete or incomplete information and so on. In this study we have collected relevant tools for young lawyers. Since this is an introductory text we...
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A gazdasági szereplõk nem-racionális magatartására vonatkozó gazdasági viselkedéstani kutatási eredmények értelmezése és a megfelelõ következtetések megfogalmazása kellõ körültekintést igényel: a neoklasszikus elmélet életszerûtlen emberképének meghaladása nem...
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Game theory is the pocket knife of conflict modelling: it has tools, models for practically all strategic conflicts, be that two- or multiplayer, complete or incomplete information and so on. In this study we have collected relevant tools for young lawyers. Since this is an introductory text we...
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Hungarian Abstract: A tanulmányom témaválasztási aktualitását a 2016. június 23. napján tartott brit referendum eredménye adja, melynek értelmében a brit szavazóképes lakosság 51,9%-a megszavazta az Egyesült Királyság kilépését (BREXIT)1 az Európai Unióból (a...
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The existence and the use of the essential facilities doctrine was questioned in theory and in practice. Although the doctrine was developed in antitrust, it became a frequently cited notion in the regulation of network utilities. Its relevance is hotly debated during the setup of the new...
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Economists and lawyers are badly divided on issues concerning tying and bundling. Permissivie and prohibitive attitudes are changing radically in the literature and in the legal practice. After a short discurse on the notions, we introduce the basic ideas, theories and debates according to...
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