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This study presents a concise analyse about the demographic evolutions and the last indicators of labour market in Moldavia Republic as well the trends and implications of this realities in European integration perspective and the development of a strong market economy
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Gunumuz dunyasinda emek ve emege bagli olarak ortaya cikan beseri sermaye, sermaye birikimi ve teknolojik yenilik ekonomik buyumenin belirleyicileri olarak ulke ekonomilerinin ozellikle uzerinde durdugu konular haline gelmistir. Beseri sermaye, emegin sahip oldugu nitelikleri ifade etmekle...
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Social contributive insurance systems which are based on the repartition principle between generations are strongly influenced by the demographic evolutions.
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The explicit and tacit (implicit) knowledge are defined by antithesis to obtain a clear delimitation between two concepts. It is emphasized the role of these knowledge in the communication between individuals and between firms (organizations, societies etc.). The human performance is appreciated...
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Studiul se doreşte a fi o incursiune succintă în problematica unor efecte pe care actuala criză financiară şi economică internaţională le exercită asupra principalelor variabile macroeconomice specifice economiei reale. În acest scop, sunt evaluate influenţele directe şi indirecte,...
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Issizlik temel olarak isgucu piyasasindaki duzenlemelerin bir sonucudur. Isten cikarmalar birlesmeler, satin almalar, isletmelerin kuculmeleri ve ele gecirmeler sonucunda meydana gelmektedir. Aktif programlar istihdam firsatlarini arttirmakta ve isgucunun yeniden egitilmesi ile isgucu tedariki...
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Gelismis Avrupa ulkelerinin cogu son 30 yildan bu yana issizlik problemi ile karsi karsiyadirlar. Bu ulkelerde emek arzinin erken emeklilik ve calisma surelerinin kisaltilmasi yoluyla azaltilmasi 1970’lerin sonunda itibaren issizlikle mucadelede izlenilen baslica yollar olmustur. Bu makalede...
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Bu calismada Turkiye’de sektorel issizligin dogal issizlik orani onsaviyla mi yoksa issizlik histerisi onsaviyla mi aciklanabilir oldugu incelenmektedir. Bu amacla Turkiye’deki 9 sektorun 1988-2008 donemini kapsayan issizlik orani serilerinden olusan panel veri seti olusturularak, issizlik...
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institutions that define any economic system. Within society, people are perceptive to a system of general rules that provides … incentives and constraints for human behavior. Institutions' and human action's mutuality, and also its economic and political … implications, explain the essential importance of institutions in economic science and the institutional approach viability. …
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The role played by endogenous growth models in growth literature might be analyzed from two perspectives. In the first place, is it emphasized the necessity to replace the hypothesis of perfect competition with monopolistic competition in every mathematical model. Secondly, there is no...
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