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Various inflation forecasting models are compared using a simulated out-of-sample forecasting framework. We focus on … the question of whether monetary aggregates are useful for forecasting inflation, but unlike previous work we examine a … are also reported on. The first shows that cointegration vector parameter estimation error is crucial when using VEC …
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the naive one by a factor of 2 to 3. The relationships for inflation were successfully tested for cointegration. We have … and lagged relationships between the rates of inflation, unemployment, and change in labour force. For France, several … relationships were estimated eight years ago. The change rate of labour force was used as a driving force of inflation and …
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In this paper we study 2-state Markov switching VAR models of monthly unemployment and inflation for three countries …: Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States. The primary purpose is to examine if periods of low inflation are associated … variance in unemployment. In the U.S. case we find that the variance of unemployment is lower in the low inflation regime than …
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An approach to decomposing and interpreting the inflation process is proposed. It suggests that the low U.S. inflation …
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This paper employs cointegration and Granger causality tests to determine a relationship between the Spanish and the … German inflation for the sample period 1976:1-1999:4 employing quarterly data. The results suggest that there is a bi …-directional causality between German and Spanish inflation for the entire period as well as for the first sub-period. In the second …
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The aim of this article is to assess the empirical evidence of the nexus between public expenditure and inflation for …(2) process. Moreover, a long-run relationship between the share of public expenditure and inflation is found for Cyprus … from inflation to expenditure for Cyprus, France and Spain; and of a bidirectional flow for Italy, Malta and Portugal. Some …
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The aim of this article is to assess the empirical evidence of the nexus between public expenditure and inflation for …(2) process. Moreover, we find a long-run relationship between the growth of public expenditure and inflation only for … inflation for Cyprus, Malta and Spain; of a bidirectional flow for Italy; and from inflation to public expenditure for France …
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inflation. This relationship is strong in economies with high inflation, but weakens under low inflation. Based on these … findings, we study the dependence of the money-prices relationship on the level of inflation in Argentina along the last 35 … years. We use descriptive analysis as well as cointegration tests to study the long run relationship between money growth …
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This paper discusses the econometric model of inflation processes in the Republic of Belarus which makes it possible to … econometrics: cointegration analysis and error-correction models. The model has good statistical properties, it demonstrates …
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A linear and lagged relationship between inflation, unemployment and labor force change rate, π(t)=A0UE(t-t0)+A1dLF … and 2004. The relationship is tested for cointegration. All three variables involved in the relationship are proved to be … integrated of order one. Two methods of cointegration testing are used. First is the Engle-Granger approach based on the unit …
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