Showing 1 - 10 of 131
Italian Abstract: Il lavoro analizza la variabilità territoriale dei prezzi delle case, concentrandosi in particolare sul gradiente dal centro verso i quartieri e i comuni periferici. Le differenze lungo queste dimensioni nelle aree urbane sono ampie, anche più di quelle esistenti tra Centro...
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During the past decade all industrial countries attracted sizeable inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI), excluding Italy and Japan: this fact has been interpreted as evidencing a deterioration in Italy�s structural competitiveness. This paper presents the results of a survey conducted...
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Italian Abstract: Una delle caratteristiche salienti dello sviluppo economico è la sua dimensione marcatamente urbana. Come in altri paesi avanzati, in Italia la gran parte dell'attività economica si concentra nelle città: nel 2001 i 73 Sistemi Locali del Lavoro (SLL) urbani producevano il 62...
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Urban dynamics was studied during the eighties in terms of the so-called ‘urban life cycle theory’ which was launched by the Vienna group within the CURB (costs of urban growth) project. The main elements of this theory, as well as its limits, are already well known. It provides an elegant...
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Questo lavoro presenta un'analisi territoriale della produttività totale dei fattori (PTF) in Italia dal 1998 al 2006, utilizzando dati di impresa. L'aspetto territoriale è approfondito scomponendo la PTF negli effetti within-firms e between-firm. Queste due componenti sono calcolate per...
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Using data from Ufficio italiano dei cambi for the period 1997-2001, the study analyses the distribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) outflows by sector and local area of origin. It tries to identify which local industrial structures determine a larger propensity to invest abroad, focusing...
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In Sicily there is an increased dependency of the economy and employment from politics due to the weakness of the market economy and to the lack of strong civic culture. This paper will explain what are the ‘productive districts’ in Sicily and what they represent. The present work focuses on...
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One hundred and fifty years after the unification of Italy, the Mezzogiorno and Sicily, in particular, continue to be severely lagging behind the rest of Italy and its most developed part. This paper focuses on the productive districts regarding the industry to the light of the first three years...
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Questo contributo si concentra sui distretti produttivi in Sicilia che riguardano soprattutto l’industria alla luce dei primi tre anni dalla costituzione e riconoscimento di tali distretti da parte della Regione e la prevista scadenza dei relativi Patti di Sviluppo, valutandone il tema degli...
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This contribution aims to present the main results of a preliminary survey carried out on relevant socio-economic disparities that exist among the Provincial Administrations and/or geographic regions of Argentina, using several indicators to conduct a descriptive statistic analysis on the...
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