Showing 1 - 10 of 142
The paper represents a first tentative analysis of the phenomenon of rural poverty in in the European Union's regions. In the first part, the paper discusses the problem of defining rural areas and examines the indicators used for international comparisons, notably the OECD definition, which...
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Italian Abstract: Una delle caratteristiche salienti dello sviluppo economico è la sua dimensione marcatamente urbana. Come in altri paesi avanzati, in Italia la gran parte dell'attività economica si concentra nelle città: nel 2001 i 73 Sistemi Locali del Lavoro (SLL) urbani producevano il 62...
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Consumption of agricultural land through various forms of degradation, erosion, compaction, waterproofing, has an impact on the entire primary sector, with increasing costs. Thus, if the Italian surface is 30 million hectares, 17 is the total agricultural (SAT), but only 12 is actually...
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Italian Abstract: A partire dalle condizioni di operatività, dell'impatto ambientale e delle esternalità negative che il complesso siderurgico genera sulla salute e sulla collettività (attività produttive, territorio e cittadino), la trattazione muove dall'analisi di scenario attuale e della...
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Recent regulation on waste fees establishes the change from tax to tariff to cover the total management cost of the collection and selection services. It does not consider the external costs (externalities). This causes a distortion in the system of relative prices. In this paper, we focus on...
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Environmental economics suggests a number of techniques to assess public goods. Such methods, surrogating traditional market mechanism, allow estimations of willingness to pay for improving environmental quality. In the case study proposed in this paper an hedonic price method is implemented to...
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This report assess the monetary valuation of non-use values of marine and coastal biodiversity in North Adriatic Sea by using the technique of the benefit transfer. In addition to non-use values, it is possible to infer to use values through the analysis of economic activities and phenomena...
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On the basis of a local household survey carried out in 2002 and in 2006, this paper examines the earnings and job conditions of workers living in the province of Modena, one of the richest areas of Italy. After an analysis of earning changes over the period covered by the two surveys, the paper...
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La presenza di un’elevata concentrazione delle condizioni di malattia nelle aree disagiate è un tema molto dibattuto di salute pubblica. Da una parte si sostiene che tale concentrazione sia la manifestazione dell’effetto della povertà e del disagio individuale (effetto composizionale),...
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