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L'economia politica è, tra le scienze umane, quella che maggiormente sperimenta l'attrazione verso i metodi quantitativi e in particolare verso la matematica e la statistica. Recentemente questa attrazione si è fatta ancor più forte che in passato, al punto che non è raro trovare, tra gli...
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Coordination failures are very important in imperfect markets, because of related concept of multiple equilibria. This article attempts to explore this topic using tools to overcome the limitations of traditional analytical apparatus, which imposes stringent conditions about functions and...
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The aim of this paper is to call attention on some writings of the early 1930s by D.H. Robertson and J.R. Hicks. These writings present, with a clarity not easily found elsewhere, the two reasons why marginalist economist, who till the last three decades normally treated capital as a single...
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Italian Abstract: La pubblicazione dei "Miti e paradossi della giustizia tributaria" nel 1938 diede origine a un importante dibattito epistemologico tra Einaudi e Fasiani. In Miti e paradossi, i progetti "utili" sono considerati come parte di un approccio scientifico, e la scienza può avere ad...
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Italian Abstract: Questo articolo mostra l'influenza di Wesley N. Hohfeld sul pensiero di J.R. Commons, uno delle figure principali del Vecchio Istituzionalismo. Sia Hohfeld sia Commons offrono un contributo nella comprensione della natura rivale delle relazioni giuridiche. L'articolo tenta di...
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This paper comments the content and methodology of an article published in 1907 by Rodolfo Benini, an Italian statistician active at the beginning o last century, that is credited by Carl F. Christ (A.E.R., 1985)to have been the first to use multiple regression as an instrument of applied demand...
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The paper examines the development over time of Marshall's theoretical position, with the purpose of assessing its place in the history of economic thought. Marshall's work, concerned with the theoretical implications of structural changes in the British economy after the industrial revolution,...
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Maffeo Pantaleoni’s concepts of “political prices” and “economic prices” explore institutional change and the dynamics of rent-seeking society. He distinguishes between “objective” discriminations, which conform to the reproductive logic of an institution, and those that are...
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Maffeo Pantaleoni’s concepts of “political prices” and “economic prices” explore institutional change and the dynamics of rent-seeking society. He distinguishes between “objective” discriminations, which conform to the reproductive logic of an institution, and those that are...
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