Showing 1 - 10 of 123
Italian Abstract: La significativa crescita registrata nella produzione di idrocarburi estratti dalle formazioni di scisto (di seguito “shale gas” o “gas non convenzionale”) costituisce uno degli sviluppi più rilevanti nel settore energetico mondiale, resa possibile dall’abbattimento...
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Italian Abstract: In questo scritto si commenta la pronuncia della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea (in seguito ‘CGUE’ o la ‘Corte’), prima sezione, del 20 gennaio 2021 relativa al caso Lexel AB (nel prosieguo ‘Lexel’). Questa sentenza è stata emessa senza le conclusioni...
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renewable energy goods, services, and technologies, through trade liberalization. Another possible route to achieve the global … that a central and fundamental role is played by international trade rules. Trade liberalization in renewable energy needs …
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protectionism enjoyed a new vogue. Since then, subsidies have been used by governments both to promote national economic, social …
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Liquorice root has been dug up and traded for centuries in a Euro-Asiatic belt stretching from the Iberic Peninsula to Eastern China. In this area it was possible to distinguish three different cultural traditions and markets: the Mediterranean and Middle East one, the Indian and the Chinese,...
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The history of telecommunications has a long tradition in the Anglo-Saxon Countries but in the Mediterranean ones, it has been studied only during the last few years. This paper considers the development of telecommunication’s history in Spain and Italy. First, it analyzes the contemporary...
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Italian Abstract: I. Le misure di difesa commerciale all’interno del diritto dell’Unione Europea e i recenti sviluppi normativi. - II. Le misure antidumping e la relativa procedura. - III. Le novità introdotte dal paragrafo 5 dell’articolo 5 del regolamento 182/2011: la comitologia e il...
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