Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Italian Abstract: I. Le misure di difesa commerciale all’interno del diritto dell’Unione Europea e i recenti sviluppi normativi. - II. Le misure antidumping e la relativa procedura. - III. Le novità introdotte dal paragrafo 5 dell’articolo 5 del regolamento 182/2011: la comitologia e il...
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Italian Abstract: In questo scritto si commenta la pronuncia della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea (in seguito ‘CGUE’ o la ‘Corte’), prima sezione, del 20 gennaio 2021 relativa al caso Lexel AB (nel prosieguo ‘Lexel’). Questa sentenza è stata emessa senza le conclusioni...
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This work attempts to quantify the size of the adjustment of the United States external imbalance which can arise from a depreciation of the dollar, an adjustment of the Government�s budget in the United States and an acceleration of the technological process in other main advanced...
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Questo lavoro analizza l’efficacia relativa di due possibili contesti di riferimento della futura azione di politica economica in ambito europeo in termini di obiettivi di stabilizzazione: il primo, caratterizzato dall’attuale architettura istituzionale e il secondo, da un sistema fiscale di...
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A high share of foreign currency denomination of domestic public debt in rules out any recourse to inflation tax as an effective adjustment device. Anti- inflation policies based upon hard peg regimes may remove the exchange rate risk in the short run but - as pointed out by Argentina’s...
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This paper deals with the evolution of automobile sector during the 1990s in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Countries from a double point of view. At first, we wonder about the applicability to the sector of Flying Geese (FG) model, theorised by Kaname Akmatsu in the 1930s to explain...
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The paper develops a small open economy growth model with endogenous innovations, in the presence of environmental externalities. Building on the Grossman ad Helpman (1991) analytical framework of endogenous growth in open economies, pollution is introduced into the analysis in the form of a...
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