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, decision-making tools, and teaching methods fostering the transition to sustainable agriculture. The main aim of this article …
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The agricultural yield is affected by several risks, main of them are not controllable by humans. For this reason, the CAP has established several interventions to help guaranteeing a stable and appropriate income to farmers. One of the main policy interventions established in the current CAP...
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This paper presents the implications that Covid-19 has had on educational systems as a result of the application of social distancing measures imposed on people by the governments of each individual country. The lockdown has accelerated digitalization but has also shown the internal weaknesses...
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The crisis of the 'chaise vide' (empty chair), July 1965-January 1966, represented the greatest danger of break-up for the EEC. Its fundamental cause was the collision between two opposite ideas about the process of European integration: the view of intergovernmental, confederal cooperation, as...
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Questo saggio propone un’analisi empirica dell’evoluzione di lungo periodo dei sistemi agro-alimentari mondiali. Con una prospettiva più ampia rispetto agli studi esistenti, che focalizzano prevalentemente il processo di convergenza in termini di produttività, ci si propone di valutare...
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The aim of this paper is to describe a general overview of the large number of theoretical and empirical studies that analyze the relationships between trade openness and environment. In Section 1, the paper presents a first description of the multidimensional links between a general definition...
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in agriculture in the second half of the Twentieth century in Southern Italy, with growing regional imbalances between …
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Italian Abstract: La cooperativa agricola è una delle forme cooperative più presenti e diffuse al mondo. Ciononostante, nella maggior parte dei casi l’apporto garantito da questo modello organizzativo viene trascurato/sottovalutato. In particolare, sembra non esserci la consapevolezza del...
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L’impatto della guerra in Ucraina è chiaramente avvertibile nei Paesi OCSE, soprattutto nelle regioni di confine in prima linea nella gestione della crisi umanitaria dei rifugiati. Anche gli effetti sull’economia, specie quelli legati all’aumento dei prezzi dell’energia, si dispiegano...
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