Showing 1 - 10 of 121
Italian Abstract: La strategia di Europa 2020 impegna l'Italia a ridurre le emissioni di circa il 16 per cento nel 2020 rispetto al 2005. Nel caso dei trasporti, il comparto che maggiormente ha contribuito alla crescita delle emissioni totali tra il 1990 e il 2008, un'opzione per raggiungere...
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Italian Abstract: Il volume sintetizza i risultati del progetto di ricerca “Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sull’economia italiana”. Il progetto si compone di 17 lavori di ricerca che (a) misurano l’impatto delle variazioni climatiche sull’attività economica, in particolare di...
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Climate change is impacting on the agricultural sector in several ways, and the effects on yields are generally among the most observable ones. Open fields crops, such as cereals, are very vulnerable to climate change. We study the historical data on yields of main cereals, namely barley, maize,...
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Regulatory complexity and bureaucracy inefficiencies increase the time needed and the cost of starting a business and therefore reduce the competitiveness of a country. Since the early 1990s Italy, in the same way as other developed countries, has been trying to introduce some reforms to boost...
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General government activity in the field of education has recently assumed new interest due to the importance of two analytical objectives: a) the existence of substitution or complementary processes between public and private expenditure in education; b) the importance of public expenditure in...
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According to the Decentralization Theorem, local governments are more efficient than centralized ones in providing local public services, since resident citizens’ needs differ from those of citizens from other places. Local governments may better meet residents’ needs than a central...
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In current debate, economic development is connected with relative social capital endowment, the diffusion of co-operative practices between firms and the role and efficiency of institutions. In this paper a factor analysis approach is used to provide synthetic indicators of these variables for...
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The paper discusses the economic problem and the institutional features underlying the Nimby syndrome, and illustrates preliminary empirical evidence for Italy. It argues that siting procedures taking local preferences into account should be preferred when the heterogeneity in preferences across...
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Il paper si colloca nell'attuale dibattito politico-istituzionale in Europa sugli incentivi allo sviluppo locale e sulla promozione di imprese innovative dal basso. Il paper, tra le diverse politiche, si focalizza sul progetto di riforma del welfare basato sul decentramento, inteso come...
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The discussion around the adequateness of the Constitution to the current economic setting is still ongoing. To see where, this discussion will lead eventually, it is interesting to compare the Italian decentralization process with a similar process undertaken in Belgium. This contribution...
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