Showing 1 - 10 of 71
This paper is meant as a discussion of different methodologicalapproaches to the analysis of corporate social responsibility (CSR), sorted out through a scrutiny of the literature that has emerged from the recent Italian debate. The first stream of literature is embedded in the neo-classical...
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This paper proposes a new methodology for training in the field of organization development, named development-training. The approach on the base of the methodology come from a research project of Ceris-CNR and the Association Motiva; it is inspired by complexity, constructivism, personalism,...
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Following the introduction of euro banknotes and coins many Italians perceived a much sharper increase in the price level than the moderate rise registered by the National Institute of Statistics. The paper shows that the apparent contradiction between the public�s perceptions and...
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Questa Report Card presenta una prima panoramica sulle disuguaglianze nel benessere dei bambini in 24 dei paesi più ricchi del mondo. Vi si prendono in esame tre dimensioni di disuguaglianza: il benessere materiale, l'istruzione e la salute. In ciascun caso e per ogni paese, la domanda posta...
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Italian Abstract: L'articolo si concentra sull'approccio sociologico di Paolo Sylos Labini, descrivendo l'analisi del dualismo italiano che copre non solo gli squilibri economici ma anche sociali e civici tra Nord e Sud del Paese. Testo del discorso tenuto alla conferenza "Paolo Sylos Labini e...
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Italian Abstract: Il lavoro analizza in che modo i beni culturali e, più specificamente, i beni storico-archeologici possano rappresentare un potente driver di sviluppo locale. Se gestiti dalla comunità locale nella quale sono collocati attraverso la partecipazione diretta di tutti i soggetti...
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In this paper we will try to represent in mathematical form some of the characteristics of a Post-Fordist economic system. In particular, we will focus on the theory of distribution, and on the role of income. We will try to identify the process that led to the crisis of Fordism by modifiyng the...
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In this paper we show how French Theory of Regulation has been considered in the Italian political economic debate. The Regulation Approach givessome explanations of the Fordist crise, by using methodological toolswhich are based on an historical- analytical one. It is relevant that themain book...
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The paper put his attention on the active economic role of a local institution of Northern Italy against the unemployment and the economic crisis during the 2008. The experience shows the importance of cooperation beetween the municipal Administration, the local unions and the most important...
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Taking as good the famous definition of economics attributed to Viner, “Economics is what economists do”, it is surprising to see how little the history of economics has addressed the matter of what economists actually do, above all outside the USA. The vast mass of data on research output...
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