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The paper proposes a method to speed up the transition toward the notional contributions pension system in Italy. It seems the most appropriate manner to combine and pursue employment and financial sustainability goals. The method computes percentages for abating the old retributive pensions...
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The Ecofin-Oecd methodology is applied to reconstruct the health care expenditure evolution in Italy and in the Region Emilia Romagna. The reconstructed series can be compared to the historical series, highlighting the different capabilities of the Italian average and of the Region Emilia...
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The demographic database of Istat ( explored and the main facts are extracted and described, both at the aggregate national level as well as at the regional one. This paper is completely self-standing but, at the same time, poses the basis for a more general analysis that will be...
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The demographic database of Eurostat and of Us Census of Bureau are explored and the main facts are extracted and described. This paper is completely self-standing but is also part of a more general analysis dedicated to the functioning and sustainability of pay-as-you-go to finance the welfare...
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The aim of this paper is to explain the economic causes and consequences of the sharp decline in Italy’s fertility rate … consequence of the decline in fertility in Italy has been a dramatic increase in the proportion of elderly dependent members of … of a sharp fertility decline, two options are viable: a market option, namely an increase in immigration, as in Italy, or …
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Italian Abstract: Il lavoro analizza l'evoluzione recente delle economie del Nord Ovest italiano, concentrandosi sui fenomeni della deindustrializzazione e della terziarizzazione dell'economia. Dal confronto con un gruppo di regioni europee definibili come “industriali avanzate”, emerge come...
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Italian Abstract: Questo pamphlet è un breviario di sopravvivenza intellettuale per difendersi dalla disinformazione e dal mito dell'Euro. Il disegno dell'Eurozona si fonda su un'architettura economica irrazionale derivata da principi di liberismo economico che da più trent'anni sono egemonici...
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The aim of the paper concerns the analysis of the contributions presented by Meade, Harrod and Hicks at the Symposium on Keynes’ General Theory during the Oxford Meeting in September 1936 to stress an important event for the development of macroeconomic theory. Moreover, this paper focuses on...
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