Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Italian Abstract: La significativa crescita registrata nella produzione di idrocarburi estratti dalle formazioni di scisto (di seguito “shale gas” o “gas non convenzionale”) costituisce uno degli sviluppi più rilevanti nel settore energetico mondiale, resa possibile dall’abbattimento...
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Italian Abstract: I. Le misure di difesa commerciale all’interno del diritto dell’Unione Europea e i recenti sviluppi normativi. - II. Le misure antidumping e la relativa procedura. - III. Le novità introdotte dal paragrafo 5 dell’articolo 5 del regolamento 182/2011: la comitologia e il...
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Italian Abstract: In questo scritto si commenta la pronuncia della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea (in seguito ‘CGUE’ o la ‘Corte’), prima sezione, del 20 gennaio 2021 relativa al caso Lexel AB (nel prosieguo ‘Lexel’). Questa sentenza è stata emessa senza le conclusioni...
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This paper compares main European countries and the euro area specialization patterns. The analysis, that covers the period 1988-1997 and is based on a detailed sectoral breakdown, provides evidence to assess the degree of structural differences and convergence among European countries, which...
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The ratification process of the constitutional treaty of the European Union needs to be started from a local level. The collected studies and statements of this paper have been presented in February 2005 and focus the different pro and contras, the opportunities and risks of the treaty in the...
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Three industrial organization (IO) models suggested by Dornbusch (1987) are here adapted to study the labor-cost effects on relative prices of tradable goods between the regions of a monetary union. The assumption of imperfect and segmented goods and labor markets makes the analysis best suited...
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This paper examines regional inflation divergence within the European EMU aiming at characterizing the properties of inflation differentials. The empirical evidence suggests that a process of price level convergence in the EMU is well on its way.
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