Showing 1 - 10 of 14
Recent regulation on waste fees establishes the change from tax to tariff to cover the total management cost of the collection and selection services. It does not consider the external costs (externalities). This causes a distortion in the system of relative prices. In this paper, we focus on...
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Italian Abstract: A partire dalle condizioni di operatività, dell'impatto ambientale e delle esternalità negative che il complesso siderurgico genera sulla salute e sulla collettività (attività produttive, territorio e cittadino), la trattazione muove dall'analisi di scenario attuale e della...
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Environmental economics suggests a number of techniques to assess public goods. Such methods, surrogating traditional market mechanism, allow estimations of willingness to pay for improving environmental quality. In the case study proposed in this paper an hedonic price method is implemented to...
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Italian Abstract: Gli sviluppi tecnologici hanno consentito di sfruttare risorse di idrocarburi prima inesplorate. Il fenomeno ha finora innescato rapidi mutamenti del mercato energetico solo negli Stati Uniti, grazie all'abbondanza delle riserve ma anche all'esenzione dalle normative ambientali...
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Italian Abstract: Il lavoro fornisce un contributo di ordine metodologico alla misura dell’adeguatezza delle infrastrutture presenti in una data area. Rispetto ad altre analisi basate su indicatori fisici o di spesa pubblica – che offrono una visione unidimensionale, talvolta fuorviante,...
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This paper supplies elements for assessing the costs and benefits of electronuclear energy in order to pursue three objectives: security of supply, cost reduction, and environmental sustainability. The study reached the following conclusions: 1) the use of nuclear energy increases the...
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The modernization of the solid waste management sector prompted by the Ronchi decree of 1997 has proceeded slowly and is far from being completed. Regional differentials in the effectiveness of local policies and in the efficiency of waste collection and disposal firms are still large. Southern...
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Italian abstract: Il paper affronta il tema del sostegno alla domiciliarità degli anziani fragili i cui bisogni non trovano adeguata risposta nell’offerta formale, di natura prestazionale e concentrata sulla non autosufficienza, e spesso nemmeno all’interno della famiglia, che ha una...
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A new approach to quality policies in health companies concerns the valuation of the mission of top management.The research has the goal to define the indispensable factors for top management to activate a quality system in hospital companies and afterwards to determine a pattern of social...
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