Showing 1 - 10 of 215
Italian Abstract: L'articolo continua il dibattito sulla "crisi nella crisi" che caratterizza l'economia in Italia. Gli autori sostengono che, mentre la crisi internazionale e specificamente la crisi europea ha notevolmente contribuito al deterioramento delle prospettive economiche dell'Italia,...
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This paper empirically investigates gross job flows and the growth patterns of continuing limited liability companies in Italy over the period 1996-2004, using original data on work forces and other characteristics of the firm. The descriptive analysis reveals that the magnitude of gross job...
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This note discusses some contributions and ideas on the role of entrepreneurs in Economics, from Adam Smith to the Austrian tradition. The paper observes that there are different forms of entrepreneurship and that realism is needed to understand the social availability of entrepreneurship across...
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One of the things taught by Sebastiano Brusco is that the firm taken as a unit of analysis may turn out to be too large or too small. Too large when we address the problem of the minimum efficient size, which must refer, not to the firm as a whole, but to each single stage of the production...
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The paper analyses the main differences in the financial structure of Italian and European non financial corporations in the 2004-2007 period, that is during the years before the financial crisis. The research is based on individual balance sheets of Amadeus (Analyse Major Databases from...
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Molte politiche pubbliche prendono a riferimento i valori medi di variabili economiche o sociali ritenute importanti (dimensione media d'impresa, produttivitâˆšÉ media, reddito medio, etc.) spesso con l'obiettivo di modificare il comportamento degli operatori (imprese e individui) e di...
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Il saggio si propone di esaminare la realtà dei distretti tecnologici come evoluzione del concetto di distretto industriale e di individuare i fattori fondamentali che ne determinano lo sviluppo. A tal fine viene analizzato il caso emblematico del distretto tecnologico di Cambridge la cui...
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One of the objectives of the reforms and liberalization of the last 15 years in local public services was to reduce the traditional fragmentation of production. This was to be achieved through restructuring that reduced inefficiencies and made it more possible to exploit economies of scale,...
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Introduzione. – 1. La struttura concettuale. – 2. L’effetto ‘special guest’. – 3. Una modifica alla produttività: l’illecito. – 4. Una rappresentazione diagrammatica. – 5. Una semplice stima empirica dell’effetto ‘special guest’. – 6. Implicazioni di policy e conclusioni.
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