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Italian Abstract: Vengono esposti i tradizionali modelli di oligopolio con bene omogeneo a mosse simultanee, sequenziali e colllusive, con variabile strategica quantità o prezzo. L'utilizzo di funzioni lineari permette di calcolare e comparare tutte le soluzioni
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Italian Abstract: Come è stata modellata la pubblicità in economia? Essenzialmente la pubblicità è un modo di espandere la domanda. Nel caso di differenziazione orizzontale, la pubblicità può differenziare artificialmente un bene altrimenti omogeneo (pubblicità persuasiva) o rendere...
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This paper provides a genera1 framework to analyze rational learning in strategic situations where the players have private information and update their private priors collecting data through optimal experimentation. The theory of statistica1 inference for stochastic processes and of Markovian...
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The internal communication represents a final aim of the organizations in order to be productive in the long run, and a means for the spreading of the organizational culture. The present work, deepening the thought of Nonaka, Argyris and Schön, has the purpose of analysing the ways of...
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Aim of this paper is to analyse the spatial aspects of technology transfer (t.t.) in Cnr Institutes of Piemonte, a highly industrialised region in North Western Italy. The specific purpose is to verify two hypotheses 1) If the spatial propagation of t.t. follows the Hägerstrand...
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We study the effects of deposit insurance and observability of previous actions on the emergence of bank runs by means of a controlled laboratory experiment. We consider three depositors in the line of a common bank. Depositors decide in sequence between withdrawing or keeping their money...
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In the real world, many social and economic interactions are highly affected by coordination problems. These, in turn, emerge from the trial to dynamically organize strategies of collective action in complex contexts where agents and groups are heterogeneous and information is only imperfectly...
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The present paper builds on Arrighetti e Curatolo, 2009, 2010 by introducing heterogeneous opportunists into an agent-based simulated world populated by heterogeneous loyal agents playing a repeated coordination game. On average, opportunistic exploitation of economic resources lowers...
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A new axiomatic characterization of the two-step Shapley value (Kamijo, 2009) is presented based on a solidarity principle of the members of any union: when the game changes due to the addition or deletion of players outside the union, all members of the union will share the same gains/losses.
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Italian Abstract: In questo lavoro vengono esposti in sintesi i principali risultati relativi all'introduzione degli effetti rete nelle preferenze dei consumatori e le implicazioni di questi sulla dominanza di uno standard o la coesistenza di più standards. Gli storici risultati di Rohlfs...
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