Showing 1 - 10 of 39
Italian Abstract: L'Italia ha pochi laureati nel confronto internazionale, perché più bassa è la probabilità di avviare gli studi universitari e più bassa è anche quella di completarli. Nell'ultimo decennio le immatricolazioni sono calate, nonostante la ripresa degli ultimi due anni. Vi ha...
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Italian Abstract: L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è di verificare la coerenza del quadro complessivo che emerge da due diverse rilevazioni sugli apprendimenti degli studenti italiani (PISA e RN-Invalsi) svoltesi nello stesso anno (2012). Specialmente concentrando l'attenzione sulla parte in comune...
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Italian Abstract: Lo studio misura il livello di educazione finanziaria di un campione di 1.087 studenti universitari italiani, analizzando alcune determinanti del fenomeno. Oggetto d'indagine sono studenti frequentanti il primo e il terzo anno di diversi corsi di laurea. Il grado di educazione...
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finds that students' competencies as revealed by the CBA are, other things being equal, strongly correlated with those in … test. Competencies in problem solving are in turn positively associated with a greater familiarity with digital tests …
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This paper aims to analyze the Italian University’s physical and human cognitive assets. First we focus on the continuous reductions in public funding (CNVSU, 2011; OECD, 2010) that constrained the Italian university to develop 'entrepreneurial skills', in other words due to the lack of...
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Students� competencies are influenced by a host of factors, including the individual school�s effectiveness … competencies over time, i.e. value-added measures. Using the results of an INVALSI survey of high schools, this paper implements … favour of general programs (licei) when looking at the level of competencies tends to vanish (in maths and science) when …
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Technical education and training is now interested by a reform process, trying to integrate the different paths that a student can follow to get a technical degree: the professional schools and training courses. Another challenge is that of integrating in the new system the lessons coming from...
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Italian Abstract: PISA 2012 ha consentito per la prima volta di misurare, a livello internazionale, l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria dei quindicenni. Per l'Italia, il quadro che ne emerge è negativo, con un ritardo medio in financial literacy (FL) di circa il 7 per cento rispetto alla media OCSE....
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The aim of the paper is the analysis of the immigrants' school insertion paths in Italy. The analysis focuses on the immigrants' school participation in the secondary school, considering also the first and the second generation. The data has been extracted from official statistical databases,...
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This paper presents a theoretical model and empirical estimations to evaluate the effects of competition on school quality. Empirical estimations, using roughly 5,000 Chilean schools in the 1994-1997 period and econometric techniques robust to endogeneity
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