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Romanian Abstract:Diseminarea cunoaşterii reprezintă un vector important al creşterii economice. Prin urmare, cunoaşterea bunelor practici la nivel internaţional în domeniul managementului d e proiect duce la îmbunătăţirea activităţii factorilor de decizie din ţara noastră, atât...
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Romanian Abstract: Managementul de proiect este o formă complexă de organizare a activităţii economice axată pe trei mari dimensiuni: obiectiv, cost şi durată. De-a lungul timpului, statele care s-au menţinut în clasamentul celor mai dezvoltate economii s-au remarcat prin cunoaştere,...
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The paper aims to evaluate the opportunity of using mathematic estimation models within economic discounting computation. Several approximation models from the numerical methods theory will be considered in order to determine the evolution trend for investment projects’ economic indicators....
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are ca obiectiv analiza situației asistentelor medicale din unitățile sanitare publice centrată pe câțiva indicatori esențiali ai calității vieții profesionale: timpul de muncă, salarizarea, evoluția în carieră. În subsidiar, cercetarea sociologică a...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are la bază un chestionar aplicat online, prin recurs la bazele de date cu medici ale Centrului de Cercetare și Dezvoltare Socială „Solidaritatea”,[1] la care s-a adăugat, cu valoare complementară, utilizarea canalelor de tip Facebook prin transmiterea...
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In cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) it is usually assumed that a QALY is of equal value to everybody, irrespective of the patient's age. However, it is possible that society assigns different social values to a QALY according to who gets it. In this paper we discuss the possibility of weighting...
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The complexity of indicator’s system derives from the very complexity of the health concept as defined by the World Health Organization that "Health is that state of good : physical, mental, social and consists not only in the absence of disease or infirmity". The indicators should cover both...
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Sociological reflection on medicine and health is based, on the one hand, on the multidimensional reality of the „health" phenomenon and on the other hand, on the old sense of sociology which is, according to its founders, a science of welfare and human freedom. In this respect, the problems...
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Investment process in the health sector presents some peculiarities because the purpose of investment is not economic one that could be evaluated in terms of benefits or value-added growth, but is a social little more difficult to assess quantitative. In these circumstances, the classic effect /...
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