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preference; physiological reactions; media audience; reading habits and the effectiveness of print advertising; the impact of … advertising on sales. The paper presents various devices that may be used in order to collect data relative to the above mentioned …
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The interviewer is a major source of errors in surveys, besides the researcher and the respondent. This situation is specific to the types of surveys that rely on the abilities and the activities of the interviewer, such as the street/mall-intercept, the survey at the respondent’ home or the...
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Utilitatea reprezinta un atribut al oricarui produs sau serviciu – in aceeasi masura ca si functionalitatea lui. Iar daca functionalitatea se refera la ceea ce poate realiza un produs si testarea functionalitatii la asigurarea ca produsul respecta specificatiile functionale, similar utilitatea...
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Standardele din ce in ce mai ridicate si dinamica pietei au determinat universitatile sa-si regandeasca strategiile, pentru a ramane competitive. Studentii au ajuns in postura de a alege institutiile in functie de preferinte. In aceste conditii, opinia studentilor este fundamentala pentru...
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