Showing 1 - 9 of 9
For the first time in India, selective breeding work has been initiated at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, India in collaboration with the Institute of Aquaculture Research (AKVAFORSK), Norway. Rohu has been chosen as the model species because it enjoys the highest...
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There is an increasing demand for fish in the world due to a growing population, better economic situation in some sectors, and greater awareness of health issues in relation to food. Since capture fisheries have stagnated, fish farming has become a very fast growing food production system. In...
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The paper discusses the challenges present in the management of groundwater. The theoretical approach of Elinor Ostrom is presented and her study of the management of groundwater in Southern California in the 1960ies is used illuminate how the bottom up process for developing a sustainable...
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Denne artikkelen tar for seg hvordan det er å være allmenningsberettiget i Skjåk Almenning når det kommer strenge reguleringer fra offentlig hold. Hvordan påvirker verneforskriftene den faktiske bruken? Og hvordan er brukernes holdninger rundt vernet i områdene? Studiens resultater er...
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Norwegian Abstract: Artikkelen søker å identifisere om lovgivningen i de fire nordiske statene Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige har funnet en god balanse mellom akademisk frihet og akademisk ansvar. Internasjonale menneskerettighetsbestemmelser, samt den ikke-bindende Recommendation...
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In this article I take up the relationship between economics and law in the hundred-year period preceding the establishing of economics as a separate discipline. Rather than providing a review of historical milestones, I concentrate on some observations that illustrate the relationship between...
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In this article I take up the relationship between economics and law in the hundred-year period preceding the establishing of economics as a separate discipline. Rather than providing a review of historical milestones, I concentrate on some observations that illustrate the relationship between...
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Norwegian Abstract: Religiøse forankrede skoler er gjenstand for nye politiske tiltak i både Danmark, Norge og Sverige, alle basert i hensynet til integrering og mot segregering. Danmark har godkjent flest såkalte muslimske skoler. Norge har ingen muslimsk forankrede grunnskoler, men har...
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Norwegian Abstract: Norge har et menneskerettsansvar for sine nasjonale minoriteter, og stilles til ansvar for sin politikk av to overvåkingskomiteer under Europarådet. Norges faktiske politikk overfor en av disse, romanifolket/taterne, er krevende som følge av en hardhendt statlig politikk...
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