Showing 1 - 10 of 1,538
Raport powstał z inicjatywy Fundacji Pomocy Matematykom i Informatykom Niesprawnym Ruchowo w ramach projektu „Centrum Edukacji i Aktywizacji Zawodowej Osób Niepełnosprawnych - Oddziały Bydgoszcz i Łódź". Stanowi on rezultat badań zjawiska niepełnosprawności i kategorii społecznej,...
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This report was made on the initiative of the Foundation Supporting Disabled Mathematicians and IT professionals in the project "Centre for Education and Vocational Activation of Persons with Disabilities - Branches Bydgoszcz and Lodz." It is the result of research on disability phenomenon and...
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This paper points out an empirical failing of real business cycle models in which unemployment is endogenized through a matching function. One can easily choose a calibration to make the cyclical fluctuation in unemployment as large in the model as it is in the data, or to make the response of...
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Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland zu einem großen Teil auf die anhaltende Schwäche der Binnennachfrage zurückzuführen ist. … und Lohn-bedingten Arbeitslosigkeit in Frage stellen. Es deutet vielmehr einiges darauf hin, dass die hohe …
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In the end of 2012 the Russian economy entered a period of permanently declining growth rates. The paper provides a thorough analysis of the labor market performance under these new conditions. We explain why despite the economic stagnation its basic characteristics - labor force participation,...
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В условиях развития глобального экономического кризиса проблемы занятости населения, безработицы и мобильности трудовых ресурсов в Казахстане приобретают все...
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Russian Abstract: Как в России, так и в Болгарии, наметился устойчивый рост количества социально незащищённых людей. Более того, отмечается возрастание также и...
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Verursacht durch die andauernde Weltwirtschaftskrise gewinnen Fragen der Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und … Aktivitäten der zuständigen Abteilungen, Organisationen und Unternehmen. Um Bürger während der Krise vor Arbeitslosigkeit zu …
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The need to increase the flexibility and dynamics of their labor markets has made many European countries to proceed with institutional reforms. However, only few of them have decided on a radical transformation. Germany belongs to this club of reformers. In 2003, the German government...
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