Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Raport powstał z inicjatywy Fundacji Pomocy Matematykom i Informatykom Niesprawnym Ruchowo w ramach projektu „Centrum Edukacji i Aktywizacji Zawodowej Osób Niepełnosprawnych - Oddziały Bydgoszcz i Łódź". Stanowi on rezultat badań zjawiska niepełnosprawności i kategorii społecznej,...
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This report was made on the initiative of the Foundation Supporting Disabled Mathematicians and IT professionals in the project "Centre for Education and Vocational Activation of Persons with Disabilities - Branches Bydgoszcz and Lodz." It is the result of research on disability phenomenon and...
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In this paper an alternative view of the relation between the wage level, wage dispersion, training incentives and employment is presented. We provide some theoretical arguments which cast doubt on the standard thesis that unemployment - especially in Germany - is mainly caused by labor market...
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The econometric literature offers various modeling approaches for analyzing micro data in combination with time series of aggregate data. This paper discusses the estimation of a VAR model that allows unobserved heterogeneity across observation unit, as well as unobserved time-specific...
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Celem opracowania jest analiza zasadnosci wykorzystania metody Valua at Risk w szacowaniu ryzyka zwiazanego z inwestycja w spolki branzy metalurgicznej. W artykule przedstawiono sposob konstruowania modelu, rozne metody jego estymacji oraz ich wady i zalety. W czesci badawczej artykulu...
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The paper presents empirical results on the discounting of delayed payoffs which show that: (1) the best approximation of the discounting process is a hyperbolic function, (2) (both animals and humans) can reverse their preferences in time. The article presents theoretical conditions on the...
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We examine the estimation problem for shape-restricted functions that are continuous, non-negative, monotone non-decreasing, and strictly concave. A sieve estimator based on bivariate Bernstein polynomials is proposed. This estimator is drawn from a sieve, a set of shape-restricted Bernstein...
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