Showing 1 - 10 of 111
This paper further develops the standard modelling of information exchange between firms in the presence of demand uncertainty which applies to firms in new industries and insecure regions or markets. We replace the normal distribution of the random variables, commonly used because of its...
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Real option valuation methods used in firm valuation process allow taking into consideration firm’s flexibility and its adaptability to environmental changes. In the binomial tree model it is assumed that stock price changes are composed of a great number of small binomial changes. This...
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Real option valuation methods used in firm valuation process allow taking into consideration firm’s flexibility and its adaptability to environmental changes. The risk is taken into consideration at an expected rate of return in real option – an expected return rate is related to CAPM model....
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Polish Abstract: Intensyfikacja zjawisk konkurencyjnych w czasach spowolnienia gospodarczego w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku przyniosła zmianę perspektyw postrzegania i oceny jakości badań marketingowych. Celem artykułu jest analiza czynników wpływających na ocenę jakości usług...
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English Abstract: The article presents an overview of selected connections of the COVID-19 pandemic with risk theories. The study first explores the basic concepts of preparing and mobilizing networks of public policy actors to act together under conditions of uncertainty. The following section...
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Artykul stanowi swoista analize problemu wystepowania baniek spekulacyjnych w historii gospodarczej swiata, a nastepnie probe identyfikacji przyczyn i skutkow wystapienia banki spekulacyjnej na rynku nieruchomosci w Stanach Zjednoczonych, ktora byla jednoczesnie glowna przyczyna wybuchu kryzysu...
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This paper points out an empirical failing of real business cycle models in which unemployment is endogenized through a matching function. One can easily choose a calibration to make the cyclical fluctuation in unemployment as large in the model as it is in the data, or to make the response of...
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This papers develops a dynamic factor models with regime switching to account for the decreasing volatility of the U.S. economy observed since the mid-1980s. Apart from the Markov switching capturing the cyclical fluctuations, an additional type of regime switching is introduced to allow...
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Inwestycje sa waznym zrodlem rozwoju przedsiebiorstw i gospodarki. Zaleza one od wielu czynnikow. Wedlug wiekszosci glownych szkol ekonomicznych istotnym czynnikiem wplywajacym na poziom i dynamike nakladow inwestycyjnych jest polityka monetarna. Glownym celem opracowania jest zbadanie wplywu...
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