Showing 1 - 10 of 134
areas of cross-border cooperation conducted by local governments in Podlaskie Voivodship. Report, in particular, draws … cross-border cooperation. Attention was drawn to priorities of Polish decentralized foreign policy and sectoral … diversification of cross-border cooperation actors in the Podlaskie Voivodship. Next the existing and planned cross-border cooperation …
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-border cooperation with partners in Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (Kaliningrad). The publication indicated areas of the greatest … potential, as well as barriers to such cooperation in the region. Particular attention was paid to the cooperation of these …
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between workshop participants and the scope of cooperation through joint ventures; identification of current and potential …
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favorable conditions for social and professional life of old people and their cooperation with members of local communities … others; and providing legal, social and vocational guidance. Stimulating cooperation between existing public, commercial and …
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Raport powstał z inicjatywy Fundacji Pomocy Matematykom i Informatykom Niesprawnym Ruchowo w ramach projektu „Centrum Edukacji i Aktywizacji Zawodowej Osób Niepełnosprawnych - Oddziały Bydgoszcz i Łódź". Stanowi on rezultat badań zjawiska niepełnosprawności i kategorii społecznej,...
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This report was made on the initiative of the Foundation Supporting Disabled Mathematicians and IT professionals in the project "Centre for Education and Vocational Activation of Persons with Disabilities - Branches Bydgoszcz and Lodz." It is the result of research on disability phenomenon and...
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"Social Capital of Old People on the Example of Bialystok Residents" is a book based on theoretical and empirical study, which presents an issue of diagnosing and using of old people social capital in the local and regional development processes. This issue is significant because of the threats...
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Polish abstract:Artykuł przybliża rozumienie infrastruktury i otoczenia instytucjonalnego do budowy kapitału społecznego.English abstract:The article introduces the understanding of infrastructure and institutional environment for building social capital
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Polish Abstract: Szybkie tempo starzenia się społeczeństwa na całym świecie stymuluje poszukiwania innowacyjnych rozwiązań, które pozwolą nam na tworzenie pozytywnych odpowiedzi na to wyzwanie
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Polish Abstract: Zmiana demograficzna, w jakiej uczestniczy społeczeństwo polskie na początku XXI wieku, to wyzwanie. Sprostanie mu wymaga zarówno powszechnego przygotowania do starości, jak i mobilizacji aktywności osób starszych
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