Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Polish Abstract: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie, w jaki sposób współczesna ekonomia ewolucyjna próbuje wprowadzić aspekt instytucjonalny do dotychczasowych badań nad zmianą gospodarczą. Dokonano w nim przeglądu głównych stanowisk zajmowanych w tym nurcie ekonomii, mającego na...
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English Abstract: The first aim of this paper is to describe the main developments in the Ukrainian economy since its independence in 1991, focusing on the evolution of output, and the path of economic reforms — that is, to simply show what happened. The bottom line on that is well known:...
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Estimating the values of parameters in latent class analysis, one needs to know the number of clusters in advance. It is crucial to determine a criterion which enables confirmation of the superiority of one number of classes over the others. A statistical approach, which is based on a likelihood...
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The objective of the paper is to present the impact of globalization conditions on trade flows between states. These determinants were considered as alternative factors for the physical distance between countries in the gravity model performed by Tinbergen (1962). In the traditional gravity...
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Polish Abstract: Praca zawiera przegląd istniejącej literatury na temat podatku od transakcji finansowych oraz badanie empiryczne dot. wpływu wzrostu minimalnej dokładności określania ceny na zmienność cen na GPW w Warszawie. Rozpoczynam od prezentacji motywacji do wprowadzenia podatku...
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The objective of the paper is to present the impact of globalization conditions on trade flows between states. These determinants were considered as alternative factors for the physical distance between countries in the gravity model performed by Tinbergen (1962). In the traditional gravity...
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The article analyzes the impact of potential determinants on the level of trade volume between the member states of the European Union. As a result of the use of gravity model for panel data the identification of a significant impact of the size of the economies of the member states, their level...
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The econometric literature offers various modeling approaches for analyzing micro data in combination with time series of aggregate data. This paper discusses the estimation of a VAR model that allows unobserved heterogeneity across observation unit, as well as unobserved time-specific...
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Artykul poswiecony zostal mozliwosciom oceny efektywnosci uslug bankowych na podstawie analizy ich marz odsetkowych, a jego celem bylo ukazanie nosnosci informacyjnej tych miar. W pierwszej czesci artykulu omowione zostaly kwestie teoretyczne zwiazane z wyznaczaniem roznych rodzajow marz...
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The unemployment rate in Germany after reaching a peak of 12.1% in 2005 began to decline steadily, and the improvement of the situation on the labour market followed even in the face of the global economic crisis after 2007. These positive trends, especially in comparison with other EU...
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