Showing 1 - 10 of 488
We analyze correlation between the European integration and incorporating Germany into the process of European … Germany) in the framework of the common market. It was aimed at stable and harmonized development as well as at preventing of … willingness to ensure lasting peace in Europe and to create "security community" through a.o. incorporation of Germany in the …
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The unemployment rate in Germany after reaching a peak of 12.1% in 2005 began to decline steadily, and the improvement … functioning of the labour market in Germany that are relevant to the response to the crisis. Accordingly, the buffers are examined …
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Procesy globalizacji oraz procesy integracji europejskiej wymuszaja zmiany polityki fiskalnej poszczegolnych panstw czlonkowskich zjednoczonej Europy. Unia Europejska dazac do harmonijnego wzrostu i zrownowazonego rozwoju przy okreslonych celach inflacyjnych wymusza przestrzeganie regul...
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English Abstract: Poland's structural deficit is one of the largest in the EU. While other Member States are taking action to reduce their deficits, the Polish government has not only introduced costly projects, but has also announced additional projects that will further aggravate the state of...
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Polish Abstract: Prognozowanie w warunkach silnego wstrząsu jest obarczone wyjątkowo dużą niepewnością. Rodzi ona pokusę do formułowania alarmistycznych prognoz. Doświadczenia z przeszłych pandemii, w szczególności tych z XX wieku, dla których mamy najwięcej danych, nie dają ku...
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Szereg zmian w kierunku wiekszej otwartosci na naplyw obcokrajowej sily roboczej podjetych w ostatnich latach w Federacji Rosyjskiej sklania do analiz imigracji do tego kraju. Przyjete rozwiazania w sferze polityki migracyjnej nie pozostaja bowiem bez wplywu na inne regiony docelowe (np. UE)....
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English Abstract: Growth in the European Union since the outbreak of the global financial crisis is slower (1) than before the crisis, (2) than the trend would indicate, (3) than forecast and (4) than in the United States. The factors driving its weakness lie more on the supply side than the...
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English Abstract: The article presents an overview of selected connections of the COVID-19 pandemic with risk theories. The study first explores the basic concepts of preparing and mobilizing networks of public policy actors to act together under conditions of uncertainty. The following section...
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