Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Polish Abstract: Na początku 2016 roku ma wejść w życie Pogłębiona i kompleksowa umowa o wolnym handlu (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement – DCFTA) – handlowa część układu o stowarzyszeniu między Unią Europejską i Ukrainą. Oznacza to, że Ukraina otworzy szerzej swój...
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Polish Abstract: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia " zdolność operacyjna organizacji publicznych " jako istotnego elementu w teorii war-tości publicznej. Badanie miało charakter desk research literatury dotyczącej wartości publicznej. Na początku wyjaśniono, czym jest...
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The paper studies a generic bilateral trade model with relationship-specific investments. Only the seller invests, and subsequent trade becomes inefficient if his investments are too low. We show that the seller may defect strategically under a fixed-price contract even though he attains any...
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English Abstract: The increasingly tense interplay between trade and politics should not blind us to the fact that the postwar liberalization of trade worldwide has been a resounding success and remains one of globalism’s most significant achievements, if not the most important achievement,...
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Hospodárska diplomacia je diplomacia s ekonomickým zameraním – diplomacia, ktorej úlohou je ovplyvňovať politiky zahraničných vlád a regulačné rozhodnutia, ktoré ovplyvňujú svetový obchod a investície. Úlohou hospodárskej diplomacie je realizácia cieľov...
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Polish Abstract: W sierpniu 2014 r. Federacja Rosyjska nałożyła embargo na przywóz wielu artykułów rolno-spożywczych z państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, w tym z Polski. W przypadku Polski było to drugie embargo nałożone po akcesji do Unii Europejskiej. Celem badania była...
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The objective of the paper is to present the impact of globalization conditions on trade flows between states. These determinants were considered as alternative factors for the physical distance between countries in the gravity model performed by Tinbergen (1962). In the traditional gravity...
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The objective of the paper is to present the impact of globalization conditions on trade flows between states. These determinants were considered as alternative factors for the physical distance between countries in the gravity model performed by Tinbergen (1962). In the traditional gravity...
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The article analyzes the impact of potential determinants on the level of trade volume between the member states of the European Union. As a result of the use of gravity model for panel data the identification of a significant impact of the size of the economies of the member states, their level...
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The goal of this article is to investigate structural adjustments in trade relations of the Visegrad countries resulting from their accession into the European Union and advanced stage of economic transition. Particular emphasis is placed on the similarity of adjustments in geographic trade...
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