Showing 1 - 10 of 25
Globalization, negative demographic trends, new sources of knowledge and volatile job market are the determining factors behind the change in approach to the education system in Poland. Formal, non-formal and informal education is the sine qua non of the implementation of a knowledge-based...
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Polish Abstract: Alfabetyzm finansowy - ze względu bezpośrednie związki z aktywnością jednostek, sektorów finansowych oraz społeczeństw - jawi się jako zasadniczy problem w teorii i praktyce ekonomicznej doby współczesnej. Niniejsze opracowanie poświęcone jest jego charakterystyce,...
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Polish Abstract: Celem artykułu jest ocena efektywności działalności dydaktycznej polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego w roku akademickim 2014/15 w kontekście zmian demograficznych i umiędzynarodowienia szkolnictwa wyższego. Dokonano tego za pomocą modeli SBM-Min i SBM-Max nieparametrycznej...
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Globalization, negative demographic trends, new sources of knowledge and volatile job market are the determining factors behind the change in approach to the education system in Poland. Formal, non-formal and informal education is the sine qua non of the implementation of a knowledge-based...
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Jednym z podstawowych problemow wspolczesnego szkolnictwa wyzszego w skali globu jest brak dostatecznych srodkow finansowych. Uczelnie pozyskuja srodki ze zrodel publicznych badz prywatnych. Obecnie w Polsce dyskutowane i wprowadzane sa zmiany dotyczace zasad finansowania ksztalcenia na poziomie...
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English Abstract: The Russian economy is caught in stagnation, but thanks to a skillful macroeconomic policy, the economy has stabilized. The current economic model is dualistic. On the one hand, the so-called systemic liberals are in charge of macroeconomic policy, which they pursue eminently....
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The relations between metropolitan areas of southern Poland and domestic population migration flows in the period of 2008-2010 were discussed in this paper. Southern Polish regions demonstrate low intensity of intraregional population movements while interregional flows are quite significant,...
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Internal population migration flows constitute an inherent element of the market economy. Under relatively stable political conditions, the nature of internal migration is reflected in economic reasons as a result of the regional socio-economic situation. The subject of this paper was to examine...
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The subject of this paper is to formulate an approach of determining dependencies between socio-economic aspects and migration phenomena and also make an attempt to apply it for the analysis of internal migration in Poland in 2004-2011. A construction of econometric gravity model with using of...
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The subject of this paper is to consider internal migration phenomena in Poland in the years 2008-2011 with application of the gravity model. The period of time covers world financial and economic crisis which hinders economic growth in Poland and impedes internal migration flows. In the...
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