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The aim of the study was to determine the significance of the use of probit modelling which was a helpful tool to determine the significance of effects to innovative activity, in particular investments in innovations and implementation of new solutions . The main hypothesis of this paper is the...
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Polish Abstract: Intensyfikacja zjawisk konkurencyjnych w czasach spowolnienia gospodarczego w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku przyniosła zmianę perspektyw postrzegania i oceny jakości badań marketingowych. Celem artykułu jest analiza czynników wpływających na ocenę jakości usług...
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What determines how trade in a commodity is divided between privately negotiated transactions via "middle men" (dealer/brokers) in a telephone or "dealer market" versus transactions via "market makers" (specialists) at publicly observable bid/ask prices? To address this question, we extend...
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Ce papier s'appuie sur des observations faites à plusieurs années d'intervalle dans un établissement de la RATP où une règle salariale a été introduite. Dans une première partie, nous montrons que la question pertinente n'est pas de savoir si la règle est suivie, mais comment les...
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The dominant role of corporations in modern economy and observed widespread oligopolization are the sources of practical need for the theoretical concept of the enterprise explaining the operations of large companies, with a particular focus on their primary objectives and aims, and the role...
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Celem artykulu jest analiza pozycji konkurencyjnej najwiekszych przedsiebiorstw branzy budowlanej z wojewodztwa podlaskiego, na tle sektora w latach 2010 - 2012. Do analizy wykorzystany zostal tzw. Radar Nagashimy, pozwalajacy okreslic w sposob syntetyczny wzgledne ksztaltowanie sie wybranego...
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The dominant role of corporations in modern economy and observed widespread oligopolization are the sources of practical need for the theoretical concept of the enterprise explaining the operations of large companies, with a particular focus on their primary objectives and aims, and the role...
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