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This paper discusses the university-enterprise interactions in the Brazilian innovation system by focusing on the characteristics of the research infrastructure which affects its propensity to interact with the industrial sector. Logistic regressions have been used to identify, in a wide set of...
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technology, by verifying its impacts over the firm's productivity. In order to control for possible simultaneity and self …'s productivity. The treatment effect estimated for product and process innovation presents positive and significant impact over the … labor productivity. The firm size seems to be an important role in shaping the invest decision, the investment intensity …
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technology, by verifying its impacts over the firm's productivity. In order to control for possible simultaneity and self …'s productivity. The treatment effect estimated for product and process innovation presents positive and significant impact over the … labor productivity. The firm size seems to be an important role in shaping the invest decision, the investment intensity …
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The Brazilian science and technology sectoral funds were established at the end of the 1990s, aiming at providing more stable financial resources to science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) activities in the country. Similarly to other instruments used to foster innovation at the firm level,...
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A prática de incentivos fiscais à inovação é comumente adotada por diversos países com objetivo de estimular as formas na realização de atividades tecnológicas, sendo especialmente dirigidos as atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D). O uso generalizado desses incentivos culminou...
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Financovanie zahraničného obchodu je dôležitou súčasťou financovania obchodných aktivít firiem zaoberajúcich sa exportom a importom. Pre každú firmu, ktorá sa zaoberá zahraničným obchodom má veľký význam správna voľba platobných a zabezpečovacích nástrojov. Od správnej...
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Svetová finančná kríza, ktorá postupne prerástla do globálnej ekonomickej krízy vo veľkej miere ovplyvnila aj svetový obchod a obchodné financovanie. Obchodné financovanie je pre medzinárodný obchod nevyhnutnosťou, a preto ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) na podnet WTO...
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Dokumentárny akreditív je jedným z najznámejších a najlepšie prepracovaných platobných nástrojov v medzinárodnom platobnom styku. Akreditívy predstavujú abstraktný záväzok vystavujúcej prípadne potvrdzujúcej banky, že ak budú splnené podmienky akreditívu, poskytnú oni...
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