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This paper estimates the Brazilian NAILO (Nonaccelerating Inflation Level of Output), obtains (Bayesian) probability bands for the Nailo and for its growth rate, and investigates the relationship between deviations of output with respect to the Nailo and the acceleration of inflation. As...
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One question associated with the business cycle agenda of research is to evaluate if the business cycle of different countries may present similar features despite the differences in institutions, industrial structures, public policies and growth rates that those countries may have. Backus and...
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The Financial Crisis has hit particularly hard countries like Ireland or Spain. Procyclical fiscal policy has contributed to a boom-bust cycle that undermined fiscal positions and deepened current account deficits during the boom. We set up an RBC model of a small open economy, following Mendoza...
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This paper estimates the Brazilian NAILO (Nonaccelerating Inflation Level of Output), obtains (Bayesian) probability bands for the Nailo and for its growth rate, and investigates the relationship between deviations of output with respect to the Nailo and the acceleration of inflation. As...
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This article uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) framework to study exchange rate pass-through to producer and consumer prices in Brasil. We identify two long-run and one short-run relations in data. We calculate the impulse-response function of domestic prices to exchange rate shock....
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Recorremos à teoria do canal do crédito para avaliar a integração de uma pequena economia, com instabilidade nominal, numa união monetária desenhada para garantir um elevado nível de estabilidade monetária. Conclui-se que o choque estrutural da integração na união monetária pode...
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Portuguese Abstract: O estudo dos séculos XIX e XX evidencia o carácter cíclico da economia, isto é, a repetição constante de fases ascendentes seguidas de uma crise (um momento de inversão conjuntural no ciclo económico) e, finalmente, um período depressivo. Regista-se neste artigo as...
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The goal of this article is to estimate the New Keynesian Phillips Curve for Brazilian economy. Due to some specifications problems in regressions estimated by IV method, the GMM-HAC methodology was used in order to address them. We noted the robustness of the results performing a detailed...
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